Wednesday, 21 January 2015
The Art of Deception - Ain't nobody got time for that!
Mon, 01/19/2015 - 23:43:07 Guild message from: Von_Kestleberg
I think that we need to have a little talk about the newest blog attacking me. The blog came from this guild that I am fighting What is the deal? Why is my recap of a discussion taken as a mandate?
Very Simple - Your so call brothers in Arms - felt threatened
"Thankfully we have VonK authorizing the changing of the War rules. If my memory serves me correct. Von, you were one of the people complaining about not being apart of initial "discussion" and here we have the same thing.... only a few glads in the community speaking for all.... now aren't we the hypocrite?
Still shocked you would entertain a GM being replaced! Unless your hoping that you'll be the one that takes the new lead position in a guild ?????? interesting???"
Yea - Ain't nobody got time for that :P
And since when has anyone taken what I say in the forum as gospel....guess what...if you talk you have a voice....if you sit there with your thumb up your ass, yeah folks will try to get stuff done that you may not like, so the answer to that is talk, object....if someone is saying something in the forum that you do not like - counter with your suggestion...I make suggestions maybe too often...been warned many times by the GOs...but I still do it. I 'm not saying my ideas are the best, [Tru Dat] but if we just sit back and let some of these fools make the rules for us then you are seriously impaired..... [ Well, why don't you apply to become a GO? Scratch that .... I doubt Dark will give you a look in] and need to get involved with this don't talk so take what you get. I do not know where the part about getting rid of a Master came from, but obviously there has been talk about it from some where.....why should that be a problem if you have guild members devoted to the same thing you are devoted to.....if they are not, they should leave.. ..I mean if 50% of your members want to kick you.. ..maybe the jig is up anyway.
[Very Simple, SPQR is not a guild for the members - it is a guild for Diceman, Oongrats and AA - everyone else .... Well, they sheep.]
Now, another thing, I was, in fact, in the initial discussion that DK references, just look it up....DK took part of what we talked about and turned it for his own use.
Now, I can take the blog posting from DEN's rat, [You mean SPQR's rat] cause I know he is DEN. [ I can't lie, there are a few of us in the Den and SPQR - But that's how we like to roll, we just love to travel :) ] When my Ally attacks me, I got a problem with that. [You didn't have a problem, when your own guild mates asked you NOT to form retribution? then kicked them in their teeth] So DICE and AA, cut it out if you want me for an ally....and if not...just kick me.....and how about an explanation on the attacks??????? [Von..... F*ckit man...... I don't like you..... but i do respect you... You just said it how it is... Well Done.... lets here their BS excuse]
Mon, 01/19/2015 - 23:49:13 Guild message from: Mr.Diceman2U
I took it off, I didn't see anything about you really. Maybe I got to go back and read it again.
That just shows you.... If Diceman posted the link in his guild mail as well as his profile....
# Do you think that he knows the "So called level 1 Gladiator Very Well?
Ahhh YEA!! Obviously - Do you think we stupid!!!!
# What would any level 100 plus gladiator do when they receive a link to a blog?
Ummm Report it,,,Right!!! But not if they one of your admin
# Would you place a link to the site on your profile without reading the blog and understanding the content?
Are you nuts!! but then again, I am not Diceman .... And we already established that he only has a first grade education.
Mon, 01/19/2015 - 23:49:54 Guild message from: Von_Kestleberg
Really????? Yes, please re-read. Good Lord.....
Tue, 01/20/2015 - 00:08:17 Guild message from: AceticAcid
Wtf are you talking about? Who cares what is said in these stupid blogs.... i read the rats blog and the other one. Seems to me they are trying to cause tension in our own ranks. You don't see me flying off the handle von cause the rat is trying to blame this new stupid blog on me.
Simple Question - We established that Master Diceman posted the link in the guildmail... That's INDISPUTABLE..... So are you telling us that Diceman is trying to cause tension in his own ranks? And the only reason why you haven't gone flying off on a tangent is because wrote the blog..... Don't get me wrong ..... You are the one player in the SPQR Administration who actually has a decent IQ [ Just my opinion of course] ... How many other ex-GO's that have a beef with Mika are there in this guild [Who in SPQR actually knows who Mika is]..... How many are admin here [In SPQR] ... and how many would Diceman back, if they started their own blog ......
First mistake my friend.... Don't make the blog so personal..... Step away from the light ... and live in the shadows.....Just like my Rat's.
If you take that shit seriously then you need to up your meds.
Like a caged animal ready to pounce
Tue, 01/20/2015 - 00:12:21 Guild message from: Von_Kestleberg
What's that mean - you going to up those Meds? or you feel defeated.... Come on Von - Kick us all out of the guild.... Lets have a spring cleaning!!! I say F*ck them..... Retribution.....
Tue, 01/20/2015 - 00:16:55 Guild message from: AceticAcid
I still stand behind what I said to u in pm tho.... it was on point. I read that forum thread similarly.
Ummm... Ok so you said to Von the same thing you private, that you said on the Blog? If we were 95% sure it was you that started the Blog - I am up to 99%
The difference is i am ok with you having a difference of opinion than mine..... and I can still be your friend.
The Old Olive branch ........ You can't afford to lose Von right? Or you too scared he is going to go all Crushen apocalypse on SPQR's arse.
Tue, 01/20/2015 - 00:23:31 Guild message from: Von_Kestleberg
I agree and honestly I am hopefully friends with everyone here. Not trying to cause problems here, that blog has all appearances of coming from you or someone here. If not then I apologize, hopefully you can understand why I think or thought that. I will accept your word that it did not come from here and will try to figure out where it came from ......
LOL - It definitely came from A
Von - You ain't that stupid are you? ..... Surely you have pieced this all together already..... You let this go... you are what we refer to as a Soft C*ck... Either that - or you like it from behind.... bend for a friend.
Tue, 01/20/2015 - 00:35:46 Guild message from: AceticAcid
Well I read it similarly like I said. You can be pissed about whatever you like. But please understand, I did not say that, that blog did not come from here. Technically both of them could have come from spqr if indeed they are the same ppl.... which I tend to believe the case to be.... either way I am un affected. I just be here clicking ever 10-15 minutes accordingly.
If what you say is true, I messaged Diceman in-game and asked him to post on my behalf. Yes - the rat and Diceman are working together.... How stupid do you think we are ...
***** Rat Looks Around***** See's ***** Oongrats, Diceman, Mr_Nobody [Forgot his name already]..... Scratch that.... The stupid level is pretty low on the SPQR side.....
OK, Diceman and I are working together, and he is protecting the secret of the rat.....NOT
Tue, 01/20/2015 - 05:31:01 Guild message from: Mr.Diceman2U
I have never posted on any blog, I don't read them and that post on my front page was at the start of it. [So you linked a empty Blog...BS] I haven't been on the rat blog, can't tell u the last time [You do know you can use google translate if you can't understand English ...right?]. Just went to this one when u said something last night. Again I never posted on any blog.
Another thing - If you haven't been on the Rat's blog ... then it would be simple to tell the last time you were on the Blog .... Never ...Right?
Tue, 01/20/2015 - 05:43:58 Guild message from: Mr.Diceman2U
Put teamviewer on your computer. I can show you daily history and u won't see any travels to blogs or log ons to any blog. It's all I can say
LOL - Would have loved to have read the messages between you and AA during this period ....
Your story is all over the place, it just doesn't tie up.... However we will see what action Von takes down the road ..... Has he been played? Maybe he is just a Pawn in this game of chess... It really is a pity... I thought he was more of a Bishop.
SPQR Diaries - 2015 Edition [Vol 01]
Thu, 01/15/2015 - 23:05:32 Guild message from: BL00DBATH
i got kimbus so bent, he is posting level bashing reports of me, lol. i have a 12month lease paid for in that head.
Unfortunately for you, we are all well aware that it is in fact Kimbus that has a lifetime lease in your head. Why else would you have brought it up. Oh yes - Forgot to ask....... How was your ban - Heard it was lonely on the sidelines ;)
Fri, 01/16/2015 - 09:24:23 Guild message from: Mr.Diceman2U
brasky pissed because he cant keep ct. crying because i am playing by the rules. my team beats him with no charisma pact. i boost to beat him when hes boosted. told him he was the teacher
Who gives a shit, if you were so good - surely you would be able to hold the pot too?
Fri, 01/16/2015 - 09:41:36 Guild message from: AceticAcid
lmao.. and now moesha... i always did enjoy being tapped by that dirty whore of a Hermaphrodite!
I don't say I am surprised when i hear you speak about woman that way!!! But you obviously take your lead by Mr_Disrespectful himself [OO]
Fri, 01/16/2015 - 09:55:26 Guild message from: Mr.Diceman2U
she was after OOngats to. she wanted him to rest his balls on her chin. i think the beard turn oo off
I personally think that OO should take whatever he's offered - Surely, he can't remain a virgin forever???
Fri, 01/16/2015 - 15:14:14 Guild message from: homicid3-Z
Anyone know how to get the reduced training cost armour peices?
So these are the Glads you currently filling SPQR with? Shame ... How desperate are you?
Fri, 01/16/2015 - 15:29:35 Guild message from: Mr.Diceman2U
yes look at the costume i have on. go to overview and click on change under your glad
OMG!!! Did he F*cking ask how to change his costume? or how to get the armour "Peices"..... OK.... WTF is "Peices"
Fri, 01/16/2015 - 15:31:29 Guild message from: Mr.Diceman2U
if you want to train you want bubonas costume
OK Diceman... please continue with your History lesson on Gladiatus Costume's.
Fri, 01/16/2015 - 15:32:08 Guild message from: Mr.Diceman2U
if you want more gold u want mine that i got on
Blah Blah Blah
Fri, 01/16/2015 - 15:36:30 Guild message from: Mr.Diceman2U
if you want a asshole costume ask assky for his. hope i helped
And you would think "THAT" would be the end of "THAT".......
Fri, 01/16/2015 - 15:37:45 Guild message from: Mr.Diceman2U
if you want a cry baby costume ask anyone in den for theirs. now i hope i helped
Is it me ... or is this F*cker continuously trying to answer a question about costumes.... that no one actually asked for..... and ends his answer with "Hope I helped"..... Who does he hope that he has helped?? and why does he continue trying to flog a dead horse????
**Rat looks around** - is anyone laughing at this fool...... This is why he earned the nickname Mr_Embarrassing
Fri, 01/16/2015 - 18:42:54 Guild message from: OOngats
assky is boosted up like crazy. that's the ASS calling the HOLE brown.
Well Played OO.... after months of trying to force out jokes .... that was actually pretty funny...LMFAO
Fri, 01/16/2015 - 18:45:26 Guild message from: Mr.Diceman2U
they got the biggest baby in the game in that guild
Yet - SPQR is where all the complaints come from.... Ok, maybe that is a little unfair .... Let me rephrase that ... The SPQR Administration is where all the complaint in Gladiatus come from.... Just check out the forum
Sun, 01/18/2015 - 13:38:22 Guild message from: BL00DBATH
i am a generous person, and despite what kimbus would say, try to help everyone.
LMFAO.... You are a "Douche Bag".... who was banned for threatening to harm the opposition in real life - and it is a DAMN game ....... You have already lost the respect of others....
Sun, 01/18/2015 - 13:42:09 Guild message from: ClavicusVile
I don't listen to kimass, I draw my own conclusions......thanks again for the ring, raised my crit on a merc by 1%
After hearing about your recent Mental Breakdown in the guild Gods of War - I am sure that you only listen to those little voices in your head.
Sun, 01/18/2015 - 17:53:02 Guild message from: OOngats
learned something new today. Never even saw that tab for turma battle reports:)
Here's something else you should know. In today's society, it is acceptable to move out of your mothers basement well before you turn 50. Give your old lady a break...why don't you?
Sun, 01/18/2015 - 18:16:59 Guild message from: OOngats
yah. Gobshites, all of em.
profiles and blogs....some dumb bunch of gossipy cunts over there
Yea - and what do you call AA's blog ... surely Diceman would have told you that AA started a blog .... Right? The Next post will elaborate a little on this... hehehehhehe
Hey you don't see me trying to read their guild mail do you? wouldn't want to. I've heard about all I ever need to from that festering turd incubator.
Lets be honest here ...., you just don't have the resources, not the intellect.
Sun, 01/18/2015 - 18:20:54 Guild message from: OOngats
ooh, I just got an additional +12 expeditions and +12 dungeon points for renewing my centurion for another 14 days.I can do that every 2 weeks because I haven't ever paid in advance for centurion to get gold.(sorry dice man, but you didn't know any better back 6 years ago when you started playing).
I suppose that's another thing you have just learnt... LMFAO
Tuesday, 20 January 2015
WAR Rulez!!!
Thu, 01/15/2015 - 22:07:07 Guild message from: Mr.Diceman2U
In this war with den we will be posting 1 time every 2 or 3 days. Please do not post unless I state different. Thank you.. They thought surrender war lasted... A long time.
Sun, 01/18/2015 - 15:38:43 Guild message from: Mr.Diceman2U
Sun, 01/18/2015 - 15:29:29
Message Kimbus | Subject: (Report)
We'll each post one report per day. If/when you get disqualified, I'll declare on you guys and we'll do the same thing. Just take turns doing it until these guys change things.
Love the fact that Kimbus can tell you straight that he doesn't believe that you will be able to keep up with the posting and since you openly send it to the rest of the guild, you didn't have the intellectual capacity to fire back.
Sun, 01/18/2015 - 18:38:46 Guild message from: Mr.Diceman2U
war is on. just keep track of your wins for now
Trust Issue?
Sun, 01/18/2015 - 20:31:53 Guild message from: eric93!
what was the reasoning for a 1000 wins war?
Von Can't declare with his own guild, since they are even less active than SPQR.... So he pushed SPQR in a war with the Den ... hoping to overthrow Dice and Oongrats. That's what AA would have said if he couldn't hide behind the blog .... Just like me .... hehehehehehe
Sun, 01/18/2015 - 20:35:40 Guild message from: Mr.Diceman2U
thay wont let us do a surrender war. ill be posting 1 win every 2 days or so. kimbus will do the same. going to be a long war. 1000 x 3 3000 day war.
You right "THAY" wouldn't
Sun, 01/18/2015 - 20:49:18 Guild message from: eric93!
the Go's are just going to call it, using there magical battle counter
And so he hopes....
Sun, 01/18/2015 - 22:04:51 Guild message from: Von_Kestleberg
Ok, are we not keeping score?
Well, just keep track. Like Dice suggests. Then BAM... post them all at once .... for SPQRS first win since the merger..... BTW, remember our last loss .... to XIII... How Embarrassing ...
Sun, 01/18/2015 - 22:09:58 Guild message from: Mr.Diceman2U
nope going to do our post to the rules wont go more than 3 days without a post
We will see .... if all 5 active members in SPQR can keep it up for a month or 2
In this war with den we will be posting 1 time every 2 or 3 days. Please do not post unless I state different. Thank you.. They thought surrender war lasted... A long time.
Sun, 01/18/2015 - 15:38:43 Guild message from: Mr.Diceman2U
Sun, 01/18/2015 - 15:29:29
Message Kimbus | Subject: (Report)
We'll each post one report per day. If/when you get disqualified, I'll declare on you guys and we'll do the same thing. Just take turns doing it until these guys change things.
Love the fact that Kimbus can tell you straight that he doesn't believe that you will be able to keep up with the posting and since you openly send it to the rest of the guild, you didn't have the intellectual capacity to fire back.
Sun, 01/18/2015 - 18:38:46 Guild message from: Mr.Diceman2U
war is on. just keep track of your wins for now
Trust Issue?
Sun, 01/18/2015 - 20:31:53 Guild message from: eric93!
what was the reasoning for a 1000 wins war?
Von Can't declare with his own guild, since they are even less active than SPQR.... So he pushed SPQR in a war with the Den ... hoping to overthrow Dice and Oongrats. That's what AA would have said if he couldn't hide behind the blog .... Just like me .... hehehehehehe
Sun, 01/18/2015 - 20:35:40 Guild message from: Mr.Diceman2U
thay wont let us do a surrender war. ill be posting 1 win every 2 days or so. kimbus will do the same. going to be a long war. 1000 x 3 3000 day war.
You right "THAY" wouldn't
Sun, 01/18/2015 - 20:49:18 Guild message from: eric93!
the Go's are just going to call it, using there magical battle counter
And so he hopes....
Sun, 01/18/2015 - 22:04:51 Guild message from: Von_Kestleberg
Ok, are we not keeping score?
Well, just keep track. Like Dice suggests. Then BAM... post them all at once .... for SPQRS first win since the merger..... BTW, remember our last loss .... to XIII... How Embarrassing ...
Sun, 01/18/2015 - 22:09:58 Guild message from: Mr.Diceman2U
nope going to do our post to the rules wont go more than 3 days without a post
We will see .... if all 5 active members in SPQR can keep it up for a month or 2
Monday, 19 January 2015
Monday Night RAW
Sun, 01/04/2015 - 20:10:11 Guild message from: Mr.Diceman2U
sounds like SISSYNEL going off the deep end. she getting mad when you play by the rules. talking about boost and shes boosted to the max. talk about a looser.. its going to get a lot worse for the crying little bitch.
Those are fighting words - Funny thing is , I have compared Stats.
You and OO are falling behind - and fast.
Sun, 01/04/2015 - 20:38:22 Guild message from: Mr.Diceman2U
i think sissynel mad at a few of us, eric not sure what your doing but keep it up sissy mad at you to i guess, your only 11 levels below her
If you're gonna run with the big dogs, you can't pee like a puppy
Sun, 01/04/2015 - 20:39:47 Guild message from: eric93!
The name is eric. I only swing when I have triple damage boosts, Venus activated and my opponent doesn't.
Lol - Just got to love that
Sun, 01/04/2015 - 20:41:38 Guild message from: Mr.Diceman2U
11 levels
He can't even speak his native tongue [English], yet now he thinks he is a mathematician.
Just saying what everyone in the guild is thinking
Sun, 01/04/2015 - 20:45:25 Guild message from: OOngats
haha, Shitismell, shim was a boost junkie, still is, and got hammered for months after the merger. finally started spending money on the game and training stats, now has beer muscles.
Basically you saying he now kicks your arse convincingly. When both gladiators are spending money on the game, please enlighten me how Sentinel spends more money that you on the game - and how does that equate to becoming stronger?
I love how I get warned on my profile but that festering turd flames away.
Simple, he is smarter than you. He provides suggestive criticism. You just plain stupid. [ Can't put it any other way]
Sun, 01/04/2015 - 20:48:41 Guild message from: OOngats
Hey Shartinsmel, how bad did you max out your credit cards during the polar bear dice roll event?
You such a cry baby - Love it when you squirm
Sun, 01/04/2015 - 21:16:29 Guild message from: OOngats
it's funny, I observe that Shartinsmell is boosted right now.
Truth be told - the nick names you delinquents come up with are somewhat puerile.
Mon, 01/05/2015 - 12:13:19 Guild message from: AceticAcid
haha.. I love these ppl :) gives me some good entertainment!
Since you decided to post my site - I just want to acknowledge you regarding your new blog you have created. "gladiatusustruth"
Mon, 01/05/2015 - 14:19:02 Guild message from: MrMentality
lol yea thats because there's so many pussies up there
NO bigger pussy than you.... not even sure why I left your message in....
Sorry..... And you are ..... Never-mind..... It doesn't matter... Keep walking stranger....
Mon, 01/05/2015 - 14:20:00 Guild message from: Mr.Diceman2U
i got this from a level 1.. interesting i deleted the message from my pm and got a short memory, so don't remember who sent it.
It's AceticAcid, obviously he doesn't want anyone to know..... For a few reasons.
1. He has stigmatized Von - For good reason I might add
2. He continues to have issues with Mika and Dark Knight... The 2 staff members that kicked him off the GO team. Moesha, help us out here :)
I started a blog of my own. It is in reference to the Dark Knight and all the BS with the "team" I was hoping you could spread the word around about it....
As mentioned on your comments to the last post - I always Welcome freedom of speech
Mon, 01/05/2015 - 14:22:50 Guild message from: AceticAcid
ive had it a couple times.... these guys like to let it build.. perhaps we can get into a bit of swapping ;)
that sounded kinky!
The above Post is here to illustrate that AceticAcid was on and talking in Guild Chat at the same time that Diceman announced the Blog - Coincidence? I think NOT - Diceman, is too stupid to even wait an hour to announce the Website/Blog. AA sends him the message - he posts it between AA messages ... then says he has short term memory .... Wait - Diceman probably does have memory problems.... i.e. His language skills for starters???
Mon, 01/05/2015 - 14:26:30 Guild message from: MrMentality
those were very long paragraphs in that blog haha. aint got time for that. and yea we can do that Acid like 50k at a time. it would work over time. just gotta train more cuz there are 2 people who could easily take it :D
Who's this guy again ???
Mon, 01/05/2015 - 14:37:08 Guild message from: AceticAcid
nah.. i prefer to put all my gold into the guild bank so that we can upgrade our guild to a level 67 and have a bajillion guildmates!
The funny thing is - We all know its sarcastic, because SPQR's bank will never be safe again, NOW that Den has shown us that they can RAPE us at will. So lets start a surrender war against them, in order that 3/4 of our guild can take a pounding at the hands of "The Den", while the other 1/4 are imported as mercenaries from other guilds.
Mon, 01/05/2015 - 14:41:59 Guild message from: MrMentality
lol training is good to you can help fight with the guild. just save for both
Straight over this guys head - whoever he is???? can we call him Mr_Nobody
Thu, 01/15/2015 - 11:43:45 Guild message from: Mr.Diceman2U
think ill change my name for a bit.
Geez - I think you should change your name to Mr_Embarrassing..... Because that how we in SPQR feel about your guildmails.
sounds like SISSYNEL going off the deep end. she getting mad when you play by the rules. talking about boost and shes boosted to the max. talk about a looser.. its going to get a lot worse for the crying little bitch.
Those are fighting words - Funny thing is , I have compared Stats.
You and OO are falling behind - and fast.
Sun, 01/04/2015 - 20:38:22 Guild message from: Mr.Diceman2U
i think sissynel mad at a few of us, eric not sure what your doing but keep it up sissy mad at you to i guess, your only 11 levels below her
If you're gonna run with the big dogs, you can't pee like a puppy
Sun, 01/04/2015 - 20:39:47 Guild message from: eric93!
The name is eric. I only swing when I have triple damage boosts, Venus activated and my opponent doesn't.
Lol - Just got to love that
Sun, 01/04/2015 - 20:41:38 Guild message from: Mr.Diceman2U
11 levels
He can't even speak his native tongue [English], yet now he thinks he is a mathematician.
Just saying what everyone in the guild is thinking
Sun, 01/04/2015 - 20:45:25 Guild message from: OOngats
haha, Shitismell, shim was a boost junkie, still is, and got hammered for months after the merger. finally started spending money on the game and training stats, now has beer muscles.
Basically you saying he now kicks your arse convincingly. When both gladiators are spending money on the game, please enlighten me how Sentinel spends more money that you on the game - and how does that equate to becoming stronger?
I love how I get warned on my profile but that festering turd flames away.
Simple, he is smarter than you. He provides suggestive criticism. You just plain stupid. [ Can't put it any other way]
Sun, 01/04/2015 - 20:48:41 Guild message from: OOngats
Hey Shartinsmel, how bad did you max out your credit cards during the polar bear dice roll event?
You such a cry baby - Love it when you squirm
Sun, 01/04/2015 - 21:16:29 Guild message from: OOngats
it's funny, I observe that Shartinsmell is boosted right now.
Truth be told - the nick names you delinquents come up with are somewhat puerile.
Mon, 01/05/2015 - 12:13:19 Guild message from: AceticAcid
haha.. I love these ppl :) gives me some good entertainment!
Since you decided to post my site - I just want to acknowledge you regarding your new blog you have created. "gladiatusustruth"
Mon, 01/05/2015 - 14:19:02 Guild message from: MrMentality
lol yea thats because there's so many pussies up there
NO bigger pussy than you.... not even sure why I left your message in....
Sorry..... And you are ..... Never-mind..... It doesn't matter... Keep walking stranger....
Mon, 01/05/2015 - 14:20:00 Guild message from: Mr.Diceman2U
i got this from a level 1.. interesting i deleted the message from my pm and got a short memory, so don't remember who sent it.
It's AceticAcid, obviously he doesn't want anyone to know..... For a few reasons.
1. He has stigmatized Von - For good reason I might add
2. He continues to have issues with Mika and Dark Knight... The 2 staff members that kicked him off the GO team. Moesha, help us out here :)
I started a blog of my own. It is in reference to the Dark Knight and all the BS with the "team" I was hoping you could spread the word around about it....
As mentioned on your comments to the last post - I always Welcome freedom of speech
Mon, 01/05/2015 - 14:22:50 Guild message from: AceticAcid
ive had it a couple times.... these guys like to let it build.. perhaps we can get into a bit of swapping ;)
that sounded kinky!
The above Post is here to illustrate that AceticAcid was on and talking in Guild Chat at the same time that Diceman announced the Blog - Coincidence? I think NOT - Diceman, is too stupid to even wait an hour to announce the Website/Blog. AA sends him the message - he posts it between AA messages ... then says he has short term memory .... Wait - Diceman probably does have memory problems.... i.e. His language skills for starters???
Mon, 01/05/2015 - 14:26:30 Guild message from: MrMentality
those were very long paragraphs in that blog haha. aint got time for that. and yea we can do that Acid like 50k at a time. it would work over time. just gotta train more cuz there are 2 people who could easily take it :D
Who's this guy again ???
Mon, 01/05/2015 - 14:37:08 Guild message from: AceticAcid
nah.. i prefer to put all my gold into the guild bank so that we can upgrade our guild to a level 67 and have a bajillion guildmates!
The funny thing is - We all know its sarcastic, because SPQR's bank will never be safe again, NOW that Den has shown us that they can RAPE us at will. So lets start a surrender war against them, in order that 3/4 of our guild can take a pounding at the hands of "The Den", while the other 1/4 are imported as mercenaries from other guilds.
Mon, 01/05/2015 - 14:41:59 Guild message from: MrMentality
lol training is good to you can help fight with the guild. just save for both
Straight over this guys head - whoever he is???? can we call him Mr_Nobody
Thu, 01/15/2015 - 11:43:45 Guild message from: Mr.Diceman2U
think ill change my name for a bit.
Geez - I think you should change your name to Mr_Embarrassing..... Because that how we in SPQR feel about your guildmails.
Sunday, 4 January 2015
It's a New Year, But same Old Oongrats
Sun, 01/04/2015 -
06:21:47 Guild message from: OOngats
anybody online for a package?
Sun, 01/04/2015 -
06:23:11 Guild message from: Evka
how much?
Sun, 01/04/2015 -
06:25:00 Guild message from: OOngats
1,021,000 please
Sun, 01/04/2015 -
06:26:50 Guild message from: Evka
Sun, 01/04/2015 -
06:29:07 Guild message from: OOngats
back up.
Sun, 01/04/2015 -
06:30:59 Guild message from: Evka
Btw it´s polite to say thanks :P
** As clear frustration is shown towards the SPQR leadership
team. Declaring wars when the majority of the Guild clearly realise that they
are outmanned and outgunned by the superior Den. Then letting the likes of Von
steer the ship after a failed declaration by Diceman, who clearly had trouble
reading and understanding the simplest form of the English language**
Sun, 01/04/2015 -
06:38:48 Guild message from: OOngats
wow, really? 45 seconds and you need validation? You're not
being polite, you're being a FUCKING NAG. I was reading emails, but since your
self esteem needs immediate stroking to feel good: THANK YOU!
Sun, 01/04/2015 -
06:39:44 Guild message from: OOngats
Diceman, please remind me again why Evka is here, other than
to nag the shit out of me?
**Yip, its Joffrey – He is asking him mommy for answers and guidance
again **
Sun, 01/04/2015 -
06:41:35 Guild message from: Evka
Btw. 52 seconds ;)
**The stopwatch is out**
Sun, 01/04/2015 -
06:42:30 Guild message from: Evka
fucking nag? thank you i will take it like a compliment
**That’s it Evka, turn the other cheek – I mean, WTF..... I
am sure we are going to be lining up in SPQR to get the next package for OO **
Sun, 01/04/2015 -
06:43:25 Guild message from: OOngats
You're a real peach to live with, must be fun to get pecked
in the head all day.
Sun, 01/04/2015 - 06:45:43 Guild message from: Evka
I think you can do better :D (you can’t offend me in this way :D)
I think you can do better :D (you can’t offend me in this way :D)
Sun, 01/04/2015 -
06:47:33 Guild message from: OOngats
Ok honey, I'm gonna go read some more emails and do some work
now, if that's ok with you. So please don't feel neglected if I don't respond
for a few minutes, It's not because I don't love you, it's because Daddy's busy
doing some grown up work, but will be back really soon to praise and compliment
you and lavish you with attention. :)
**Maybe just concentrate on your manners and respect towards others, rather than provide us with reasons why you can't spend time with your own kids**
[Edit] Here is how it should be done: Moments later in "The Den"
[Edit] Here is how it should be done: Moments later in "The Den"
Sun, 01/04/2015 -
12:45:21 Guild message from:
Anyone have a free minute for a 1 mill pack ??
Sun, 01/04/2015 -
12:52:38 Guild message from:
Up sean
Sun, 01/04/2015 -
12:56:28 Guild message from:
back up and thanks a bunch.
I better say thanks or I'll sound like an inconsiderate ass
like OOgats, haha :)
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