Tuesday 14 October 2014


Sun, 10/05/2014 - 06:10:59    Guild message from: OOngats
need a 510K package please.

You don't only need a package; you need a set of balls too.

Sun, 10/05/2014 - 06:11:39    Guild message from: Broken_Dreams
coming right up

While Broken_Dreams still shakes from fear after being reprimanded by Oongrats previously - Does he - or Doesn't He - Make the Call.........

Sun, 10/05/2014 - 06:15:01    Guild message from: OOngats
10/05/2014 06:12:26 Defense Brasky (9) [THE_DEN]
Evka, your buddy Brasky didn't get lucky enough to win. He must boost before he hits me.

LOL - Yea right, everyone knows that you one of the weaker high levels around

Sun, 10/05/2014 - 06:22:24    Guild message from: Evka
Why do you name me?! I don’t talk to Brasky....

If you have a problem with Evka - I am sure that the Den will take her off your hands. Pity she is so loyal to so many of the guild mates that are currently in SPQR. I would love to see how many Gladiators walk if you were to kick her :).

Sun, 10/05/2014 - 07:00:36    Guild message from: OOngats
a close coincidence then ><

I always suspected that the OO in front of OOngrats' name is in fact a Double Zero.
A true reflection of the Man/Boys IQ

Sun, 10/05/2014 - 07:31:07    Guild message from: Evka
Do you think i message people from the den when you are packing?! Are you F kidding me???

The problem with King Joffery, is that he doesn't think ... he just Acts like a F...ing Monkey most of the time.

Sun, 10/05/2014 - 12:09:56    Guild message from: FranzLiszt
He's suspicious of everyone! Don't worry it's not only you, hehe.

Well said ...BOY... you finally starting to grow a pair - don't let it curl up during the winter