Thursday, 24 April 2014

Awareness Campaign

As there have been a few of you that seem to be interested in what I have to say.

I was thinking about creating an awerness campaign

So if any of you are able to place the following code on your guild page ( With the permission of your GM ) or on your own guild page, I think we will continue to bring more life to the game.

[center][f s=18]The XXXXXX Guild Supports [f c=#ff0000]"SPQR_RAT"[/f]
[f c=#0000ff][U][/U][/f][/f]
[f s=36][b]<:3 )~[/b][/f][/center]

 The only downside to this Blog continuing, is that I would need to continue staying in this Guild that reeks like PISS

On a Side note: This guy is like a deer in headlight.
The more he talks, the more sh*t spews out his mouth

eric : crying and pouting and claiming we can't win so why bother is called a being a POLLY PISSY PANTS!
I mean come on, WTF is a Polly Pissy Pants?

<:3 )~ 


  1. It will reach a point of diminishing returns...."Momma always said.....Stupid is as stupid does" have entertained many, made many laugh....made a few people piss themselves(could be contributing to that smell you keep referring to). You can still continue the blog though! You have talent.

  2. It occurred to me....isn't it possible that Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest were set up for this.....doesn't appear to be that hard to talk them into doing something stupid.
