1. [THE_DEN] 57 (Points 20)
Their honor is through the roof, and they seem to be picking up players with MEGA honor left, right and center. Out of the their 57 guild member, their lowest level gladiator is an Admin that is ranked as a level 85 fighter. They keep money in the open as they tease others wishing they had a chance. SPQR was trounced when AngryBanker pulled the trigger in the recent (Now made Public, Guild Attack).Thanks Angry banker, you not only:
1) placed your members in a position of war
2) have too much pride to surrender a war, when you/we are clearly outmatched
you also flipped the switch, and sent a nuke straight back at your own guild, that Zero's out half our guild. (You the best, cause you the Boss, and what you says goes)
Like the lion they represent, when [R] flew over "The Den", and left there shit to clean up. It was waved away as though they were not even noticed. [R] Who?
Guild Page : This guild favors diplomacy over force. If you aren't that type of player, then this probably isn't the spot for you.A people centric guild that promotes Individual gameplay.
Our goal is simple - The individual player needs to improve.
If the individual improves, the guild will improve.
The only other requirement is that you enjoy yourself.
2. [*SPQR*] 48 (Points 12)
Oh! how the mighty have fallen. Slogging it out with XIII for first place on US Server 1. The SPQR went into the Merger having taken some of the elite fighters from Brasky's team. The stories told point to Braskys over zealous approach to continue upgrading with less than 20% of the guild contributing. And then followed it up by appointing a new Admin & Sub Guild Master "ICEY".A Sh!t storm approached as ICEY demoted all the Admin briefly, stating that they could not be trusted. With the tyrant at the helm, there is very little hope for this guild, as they are only able to attract blood thirsty mercenaries. (Here today, gone tomorrow)
First guild on USA servers to hit level 18 forum.An outdated guild that is living in the past. Who cares, if you the first on the server to hit a level 18 forum, when the pinnacle is a level 19 forum? It also makes very little sense when you have a guild full of multi's, yet so many open spots "Members 48 / 54 Members "
Thanks x!!! for all the gold you have given us in 4+ years......
3. [CM6] 41 (Points 10)
They have SPQR within sights and will more than likely benefit from the beating SPQR are going to take in this (What seems to be) a long drawn out war, however due to a headless leadership approach, they have been too lazy when it has come to upgrading the guild. Only 42 seats are available in this compact yet deadly guild.Critical Mass Gladiators are highly skilled warriors that are lead by no one. When necessary they are guided by Smitty03 and his Lieutenants of Critical Mass. They fight only for themselves and their respected allies. By respecting Critical Mass and fighting honorably you may earn their respect; however, by dishonoring any of them you may incur the wrath of them all.A deadly guild lead by a headless horseman with no clear direction. Choose your master, upgrade a few slots and make your known. "Beat that drum gentleman & march to a single tune"
4: [LEGION-X] (Points 10)
Up a place since the return of their [R] guild members. HAS THIS NOW MADE THEM A TARGET.A guild with potential and promise. However, we will follow there progress over the next few weeks.
5. [DI]38 (Points 9)
DOWN A PLACE - I don't know much about these guys, could be that they are sleeping Dragon's, or possibly gladiators in hibernation. I foresee that they will possibly slip down the list, if activity remains low.
[R] -
As it was foretold, they drift away as though they were flies on the back of a camel. Completely ignored when at war with both XIII & THE DEN. Are they a serious guild, or just some kids trying to have fun. Whats next a Surrender war?
YES - You guessed it. These guys wouldn't chance a 3 month long war, and abandon their mother guild completely? or would they?
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