Monday, 21 April 2014


The Tyrant and elegant leader

Thu, 04/17/2014 - 20:56:05 Guild message from: AngryBanker
I just found one loose piker over there was free in both arena and turma and kicked his teeth in.
The Multi and resident Hillbilly

Thu, 04/17/2014 - 21:44:19 Guild message from: OOngats
hah! 2 hours into a war and they lose their time stamps. too much overconfidence in their levels. Let's tear these chumps out through their orifices.
Oh My – That must be Sore – but I Am not touching anyone’s Orifices

And our famous GO

Thu, 04/17/2014 - 21:50:51 Guild message from: FranzLiszt
Is there any point to us in SPQR hitting the den? Wouldn't
it be better for those in Retribution to get the hits since those counts
towards winning?
And then the threat, “are you with us, or do we have to kick your arse from the
highest building?” Ahhh... I recall our esteem leader imaging doing this to a
previous guild mate , but instead kicking him off the building, he chased him
up the building. Just Barbaric – but hand it to this guy, he show's the GO who’s the boss.

Thu, 04/17/2014 - 21:52:26 Guild message from: OOngats
dude, jump off the fence! you can't ride the pickets in this
game.They declared war on us. so yes, there is a point!
That's the're a big boy. fight the fight that's before you.
No middle of the road here.

Thu, 04/17/2014 - 21:56:16 Guild message from: OOngats
The_Dung declared war so they can bash for xp. they think
their high levels are an exploit, so they declared war on 2 guilds and let us
compete for we compete for hits with retribution. It's not a war for
xxx# of wins. it's fight or surrender. and your guildmates are getting pounded. that's the point. let your war hall fill up with all the beatings of The_Dung
[Dung_Got_Flung] and that's the guild you are in. or.... choose a side and fight it out.
Basically, if I were to summaries:
You think you are really an Admin here BOY? Its my way or the high way... I am the LAW around these parts. You are nothing more than a token here, and I will tell you when can talk. You are not in my inner circle. Just who do you think you are? Leave!!!! its not like we will miss you.  (The inner circle, not the guild)
Booooo... told you I'm the boss.
Now where is Eric - Bring me my moonshine BOY

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