Friday, 23 May 2014

Women of Gladiatus! - Kara 1967 [Master of TWAR 2.0]

Spent some time with Kara1967 Master Of THRACE_WARRIORS...

Q - Do you have any Gladiatus mentors?
A - Chap of course, but there are others. I have had a lot of help along the way. When I went to the training guild that Silver C started way back when, Sodboa and Blacknight helped me tremendously. Being a female in the game world that it mainly dominated by men, has had its challenges, Reiavt and Red34, were some of the females around that helped me way back then. I have never felt left out for being female, in Chap’s guild. He treats the females like queens. I have watched my daughter struggle with it a bit playing XBOX games. Many of the guys don’t take her seriously; they either talk crap or think she is there to get a date. And end up shocked because she can play better than most guys do. I feel like a mother-hen or sister to most everyone in our guild. I grew up with two brothers and no sisters and it feels pretty much the same way, the boys say things that would make some people blush, but I am used to it and shock them when I say things back. I don’t shock them anymore; they are used to it by now. LOL

Q - How much time do you spend playing?
A - When I first started out, I didn’t have the internet or computer, so I went to the library. So at first I didn’t get on a lot. Later on, I got on quite a bit and played, until 2011, when I decided to go back to school. From there I got on sporadically, enough to where Crushen thought I was not active. But Chap knows he can always get in touch with me no matter what. I may not always respond right away, but eventually I do. Within an hour after Crushen went nuts I was there to save the day. Since I graduated a couple of weeks ago, I got on regularly for a week, but then got busy because we are going on vacation. When real life calms down, I’ll be back more often. Funny thing is, I don’t get on for the game. I get on to chat with my family and read what they have to say to each other. I first started in August of 2008. It wasn’t too long after that, that Chap found me and sent me a message asking me to join the group. I was already in the group when my brother passed away; they were all there for me. It was one of the hardest experiences I have ever had to go through. My parents had already passed away and I was feeling like an orphan. Everyone was so supportive and helped me through this tough time, and I’ll never forget it. They are truly my family; we all love each other, just like we are a family.

Q - What do you think your greatest achievement in the game is?
A - I don’t ever really think of my achievements as a gladiator, I think my greatest achievement game wise, is being in this guild. No one feels like they have to be number one. Sure everyone loves being number one, but the difference is that they don’t have to be. You see the competition that goes on between the other guilds and sometimes you can just feel the hatred towards each other. They take the game way too seriously.

Q - How do you inspire others?
A - Chap says I do, I don’t feel like I do. I am not around enough. But I do like chatting with everyone and we all make each other smile. So that is something. I am female and a grandma to boot, and I am out here playing with some people my age, but mainly the games I play are played by kids who could be my kids, age wise. So that is why I feel like a mother-hen at times. LOL 

Q - What is your next goal both personal and guild related?
A - I finally attained my goal of taking Accounting in college, I had that dream from the age of 16 and finally graduated a couple of weeks ago, so I am looking forward to getting out and looking for work related to what I just learned. As for the game, my goal is to build up my stats and find better armor. It is everyone’s aspiration to not get their butt beat by people who are 10 levels below or more. And I know there are some who could kick my butt all the way to England and back. So my goal is to get better and not let them. LOL 

Q - What glad would you like to go have a beer with?
A - Chap for sure and everyone in my guild. SDNR, matt, Lav, magnus, miquito, the list goes on. I have been chatting with some of these people for 6 years. I’d love to meet them in person. For everyone that remembers I’d like Konaticus, the Tavern Keeper, pour me a strong one and straws are optional. Cheers, as Chap would say. 

Q - What glad do you wish would just quit the game already?
A - There has never been anyone I have disliked. There have been a few that have been irritating. But I always send them a friendly note and have actually gotten a few messages back from some of them. Some rude, but mostly everyone is just happy that you noticed them. There are a few that take the game too seriously, I just laugh it off. That is my motto, be happy and laugh a lot, especially at your own mistakes. No one is perfect and we are all the same, some people just do things differently than someone else does, that’s all.

Q - If you had to write something about your guild that could inspire others to join, what would it be? A - You’ll never regret it, if you want to be in a guild where you are treated with respect and like family, come join ours. I have never regretted being here in all these years. I had been in one other guild on the .com server; I am now the only one in that guild. I wasn’t even the original master of that guild. He left not too long after I joined. He passed on the reins to someone else, until eventually I was the Master, guilds come and go, but Thraci as it was originally when I first started out, is still here. We have been Thrace for quite a while we had a very successful merger with Ace of Spades. And now we are Thrace, the people from there are just like us, we are all one big happy family. I wouldn’t trade off to another guild if someone paid me to. Most everyone in this guild has been around a long time. One thing about Chap is that he remembers everyone. He knows everyone from the sister guilds and has an excellent memory for people that are not even here anymore. If I needed to ask him a question about so and so’s name, he always remembers. Just the other day, I was thinking of Emmy and Chap remembered her name. I had to go look her name up and by the time I came back from looking Chap already had it. One of the sad things for us, was when Crushen left, he deleted the guild page, which we have had for years. Chap created many of the names on there from memory. How many people remember who was in their guild last year, let alone for the past 6 years and beyond? Chap does, I am proud to know him and call him my brother. 

Q - What is your advice for any newcomer?
A - First have fun, don’t take the game to seriously. Second of all, don’t be in a big hurry to get to a higher level. Sit back and relax. During the beginning you should, sit in the market. Sell food and other supplies, the higher levels come to the market quite a bit to get food. Use the money you earn and train them stats. Many of the people in our guild do so well, because their stats are high and they stalked the auction building watching for good items to buy. Two of the most patient gladiators I have met are Sodboa and Cyprian. Those guys didn’t worry about getting up in level, they were/are patient about trying to get their stats up. Unfortunately Sodboa has dropped out, we haven’t heard from him in a long time. But Cyprian is around; if you ever go shopping in the market you’ll likely see his name in their selling his wares. Sodboa for being a level 40 has some awesome stats and Cyprian is level 31 and has great stats as well. These two have been around as long as me or longer and I am level 85. I haven’t been able to devote nearly as much time to build up my stats. But I have learned my patience from everyone in my guild (with Chap) and from people who have worked their way up from the Merchants of Rome (Cyprian’s guild). If anyone wants a great place to start out, go to the Merchants of Rome. You will learn a lot. I have never been to the guild myself, but I have talked to Cyprian and listened to him and spent so much time working with Sodboa, that I feel like a part of their guild too. Of course they are our sister guild, so technically speaking, I am.

Q - Your Favorite Libation?
A - My favorite adult beverage is Bailey's Irish Crème. I have drank other spirits, but that is by far my favorite. I also like butter shots and mixed cocktail type drinks, such as pina colada and daiquiri's. Girl drinks. LOL.When I was stationed in Germany (during my Army days) I drank the German beer pilsner (it is a light beer) I never liked the yeast drinks that a lot of people like, they are too bitter for me. I don't like the taste of American beer, the only one I ever drink is Miller Genuine Draft, it is the only one that tastes good to me. I did shots of Tequila and other hard liquor, but I liked Bailey's shots the best. When I was in Washington State I knew a lady that was a bartender and she let me try all kinds of things. She is the first that got me to stray past my little cocktails. :) She made one that tasted like Rootbeer Floats that was my favorite. The most embarrassing drink she got me to drink was a blow job. You have to use only your mouth to pick it up, no hands. It was embarrassing having everyone watching you drink it. LOL 

Q - What is your sign?
A - Libra (the scales) goes good with what I chose to do for a living, which is Accounting. LOL 

I think I am taking Ms. Kara out for drinks!!!!

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Women of Gladiatus! - Chanel

Q - Do you have any gladiatus mentors? If so, who is it and what do you admire most about them?
A - No mentors. I do admine the rat, moesha, brich, their attitude about everything is awesome.

Q - How long have you been playing this game?
A - Since 2008.

Q - What is your next personal goal in the game?
A - Get into a hardcore flaming war with somoene and push them so hard they want to quit. I don't have serious Gladiatus goals, I've already gone beyond abnormal in every way!

Q - Who do you wish they would suspend bashing rules on?...Even for one day!
A - HocusPocus, I want to kill her.

Q - Tell us what you like to do in your spare-time away from Gladiatus?
A - I like sex, really.

Q - Tell us more about yourself, Single, Married, Kids. etc.
A - In a relationship, no kids, not married(not divorced either).

Q - Many people still think that you are Spaniard, and that you are linked to the Rat. Please tell us about your connection with Spaniard and why you can't possibly be the "Rat"
A - Spaniard is a guy. I am a girl. If you can't tell the difference, you have issues. Me, linked to the rat? I am the rat, lol. Kicked out with 1 glad, 7 others remain in the guild. Good luck finding who ;) My connection to him goes way back, we've been friends since ages, he's an awesome person, another one that doesn't really care about the retards around this game. They confuse us most likely beacuse I "sat"(considering sitting is allowed for 10 days maximum(stooooopid.) he gave it to me)) his account for a year. All the names betwen Semi1 and Spaniard were me, now it's back to him.

Q - Why did you leave XIII?
A - Brasky's failure to listen to useful advice. I helped build a guild on .de from nearly nothing, we're at 2 billions of honour now. You should have listened. P.S Brasky, you tried to upgrade, and look at where you ended up... See why I was against the upgrade so much?(I'm not saying Brasky's bad though, he is a great person but the way he was leading at that time was VERY off)

Q - What guilds do you support and oppose and why?
A - None and none(speaking of .us). I can't really do much for guilds due to my glads being low levels here, so donations would be low, although on higher level glads I do donate tons when needed. As far as it goes to opposing a guild, I don't care about that stuff really. If 1 person from a guild would start a fight with me, It'd be betwen him and me, not me and his whole guild(unless they're all retarded like that one person).

Q - So why do you not currently have a guild? are you looking for a new home?
A - This glad's in LEGION, I left cause of the war in which I wouldn't do anything considering I dungeon level only and hit like 2-3 players I know leak gold, so no, I don't need a new place cause I'll be going back ;P

Q - How many Gladiators do you have "Multi's" and would you ever consider going back to SPQR after the way that Oongrats treated you?
A - 1 on this community/server, HocusPocus. Definetly no, the guild is alright indeed, the people in it are great, BUUUUT, a leader like that... Meh, that's pretty much alike to why I left XIII. He did it once, he'll do it again. The rat(me) is mind fucking him mucho, careful how you react. ;o

Q - What was your favorite Guild, and why?
A - INTERNATIONAL(german), helped to build it, awesome guild with great people and there's never any drama going on. On .us, I don't really have a fav, I use guilds for the level 15 TG xĐ

Q - What makes you stay in a guild and why do you enjoy this game so much?
A - Eh, level 15 TG does it for me. Why I enjoy it? Hmmm, it seems there are plenty of retards for me to laugh at around, so that's definetly what I enjoy the most.

Q - Tell us about what you offer the people of gladiatus, in terms of knowledge and experience?
A - Look at me. I am the best. Do I need to add anything else!?

Q - Were you ever a GO or MOD? Would you ever be? What do you believe you could offer if you were asked?
A - Was? Am. Who? Secret.

Q - What do you think your greatest achievement in the game is?
A - Look at what's happening to OOngrats. Confused much huh?

Q - How would you generate additional activity within gladiatus?
A - No idea on that.

Q - What is your vision for the future of the new S9? How do you see the server in 6 months?
A - Half dead, GF won't improove anything and the excitement of the merge will cool off for people within a few weeks anyways.

Q - Who, outside of your guild mates would you want in your guild?
A - Spaniard, Evka, FranzLiszt.

Q - Tell us an ingame story or 2 that you will never forget?
A - Back when the Heart Of Decay dungeon came out, Xerxes19 wasn't able to beat it, so I jokingly dared him to do it within some short period of time and if he does, I'll send him nude pics of myself. I was sure he won't be able to, but he actually did. (If you're reading this, your pics are waiting!)

Q - do you have any nicknames? If so what are they and how did you get them?
A - Juicey. Our dear horny Spaniard... xĐ

Q - What is your favorite song ?
A - #dis

Q - If somebody wrote a biography of you, what would it be titled?
A - "God decided to put "perfect" in a human form, here it is."

Q - would legalizing marijuana be good or bad and why?
A - Good, I don't see why it can be bad, stoners are chilled & awesome people.

Q - One piece or Bikini?
A - None is definetly best. I like walking around my house naked.

Q - describe yourself in three words?
A - HotAwesomeAmazingBestSweetFunnyCreativeHelpfulOutgoing, Perfect. I did it in 2 words!

Your own Question
Q - Am I the rat?
A - Yes. You got me.

So the Question is, Has the rat been uncovered? 
With the last sweep, it looks as though at least one of the rats were swept out., or were they?
It is well known that LikeCandy/Chanel was disliked by the SPQR when she first left SPQR and joined with XIII. It makes you wonder why AngryBanker would make the decision of inviting her back to the guild.

So in Closing, Oongrats, "You are proof that evolution CAN go in reverse"


Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Women of Gladiatus! - *Moyrah*

Q - How long have you been playing this game?
A- I have been playing Gladiatus since 2008 (OMG I’m too old to be playing this game still lol). I Left the game for about 2 years, and I just got back into playing the game again this year because I heard from an old in game friend the game was about to get “FUN AGAIN” we were going to merge yippy! 

Q - Do you have any gladiatus mentors? If so, who is it and what do you admire most about them?
A - Mentors from the beginning I would have to say just ONE. Palerider from S3 (my pali-baby). He not only was an awesome player and a very cool guy in real life. He is the kind of guy you could relax around and enjoy the simple things like having a beer, fishing at the lake and talking about everything and nothing. In game he was very protective of us (who doesn’t like a protective man) He took time to teach and explain things in simple ways so even a girly girl or newbie could understand. He also made the game MORE fun by having the guild get together in a chatroom so we could all just chat and play trivia for a in game prize. As far as Mentors NOW I would have to say my Lavi-love and Clavi-baby (Lav Draconicus and ClavicusVile). They are my in game GPS! I have never come across 2 more knowledgeable helpful players in all my time playing this game. They SHARE info and take time to teach you. And YES they actually want your gladiator and team to get better so you can be a bad ass. They are not afraid of you becoming better than them by sharing this info (like some shitty players/guild masters who shall be nameless). 

Q - What is your next personal goal in the game?
A - Ummm #1 would be just to have FUN and play around with my guildies. #2 would have to be my merc team. ~sighs~ Since I have come back there have been so many changes and I am not doing well with my mercs. At my level I should be killing many bosses. I should have a team of killers! Instead I have a team of drunk ass which way did her go’ers merc team. I want to kill Frank and Papa!! 

Q - Who do you wish they would suspend bashing rules on?...Even for one day!
A- I don’t have anyone on my bash list at the moment. The only time I WILL bash the shit out of you and yours is if I find out you hit one of my lower levels!! I can’t stand it when a MUCH higher level Gladiator hits a lower level because his lower level is crying about being hit or because something that was said between the two and his lower level can’t grow a pair and deal with it himself, so he has to go and cry and have Daddy (the higher level Glad) come and take care of business for him. THAT just pisses me off and I will come after ya. Back in the day when you could see who out bid you on an item, if I got out bid and saw you I would bash you till I got my gold back plus some ~giggles~ those were good times lol. 

Q - Tell us what you like to do in your spare time away from Gladiatus?
A- It depends on my mood. I love to LARP, I like going to movies, camping, going to hockey games, playing on the xbox and Wii, shopping, going to church, going out to eat and have drinks every Saturday. These are just to name a few.

Q - One piece or Bikini?
A - Skinny dipping lol! Nothing like a big open body of water and you with nothing in between you. It feels amazing! 

Q - Tell us more about yourself, Single, Married, Kids. etc?
A- I’m divorced. I have a daughter, I play piano, I love country life over city life, and I hate questions like this lol.

Q - What guilds do you support and oppose and why?
A - I support the guild I’m in and no others. 

Q - So how did you end up in Gods of War?
A - I was in Lav and we merged. 

Q - What was your favorite Guild, and why?
A- MINE lol. I ran the guild carpe noctem on S3. Later I made the decision to merge my guild with Paleriders team and we became a bad ass Guild. We had Hawk, Iceman, Criticalmass, and so many more really strong and fun Glads. 

Q - What makes you stay in a guild and elaborate?
A- Nothing MAKES me stay in a guild. If I don’t like what I see and how the guild is being run, or how the guild or I are being treated, I will up and leave. I left Illyria (never thought I would leave them) and I did, and I have never looked back. I have been apart of Many guilds on different servers that care only about being number 1 on the server. They could care less what kind of people they have in their guild. They will even keep dead players and I mean DEAD players that have not been active in years just for the points to stay on top. They have no interest in making the members stronger, just adding higher player points to stay on top. I will not be apart of that kind of guild. 

Q - Were you ever a GO or MOD? Would you ever be? What do you believe you could offer if you were asked?
A- HELL NO! Once you become a Mod or a GO your head gets too big for your helmet and you get this holier than thou complex. I have seen it! Its amazing what a title will do to some people. My head would not get big BUT I would have to watch my mouth and lord knows that is NOT gonna happen lol. 

Q - What do you think your greatest achievement in the game is?
A- Sticking with this game through all the bull shit updates and bull shit rules and bull shit promises. Still here, when most have left. 

Q - How would you generate additional activity within gladiatus?
A- Bring back what the people want! A lot of people left because of crap changes that did nothing good for the game but kill it. Ask people what they want, get votes, get people involved in forum games or discussions. 

Q - What is your vision for the future of the new S9?How do you see the server in 6 months?
A - I hope to see more active players, I hope to see some of the old rules and old features come back. In 6 months I don’t think I will see ANY changes in 6 months. The auction house will still be a nightmare, and I will still see more cross server hits than my server hits. 

Q - Who, outside of your guild mates would you want in your guild.
A - Who the heck said I want to keep all my guild mates lol! I wish I could get in touch with some of the older players and have them come back. Too many to name. 

Q - Tell us an ingame story that you will never forget?
A - So many ingame stories some good, some bad. But the one I will never forget because it was soooo BAD and so low down, and I was embarrassed for us as a guild. We had a member Herbal (nickname), he left our guild to fuck over another guild for what ever reason at the time. Anyways….. If memory serves is was KingHarrys guild at the time. Herbal pretended to hate us and joined another guild. Got on the masters good side, became an admin, booted everyone in that guild, took everything in the GW and sold it, and deleted the guild. OUCH right!

Q - do you have any nicknames? If so what are they and how did you get them?
A - In game I get called Moy or Moy-Moy. “Lycantheropekid” AKA “Kid” from Illyria would call me that and so it just stuck with everyone. 

Q - What is your favorite song ?
A - I have so many favorites. I have a favorite for almost every emotion. ~laughing~ Im so not kidding. I hate rap though. That is NOT music! That shit gets on my last nerve and will put me in a bad mood! 

Q - would legalizing marajuana be good or bad?
A- Good! I think it has more pros than cons! 

Q - Can animals commit suicide?

Q - describe yourself in three words?
A - Stubborn, imaginative, and playful. 

Q - Who is your favorite superhero?
A - Wolverine 

Q - What is your favorite saying?
A - Seduce my mind and you can have my body, find my soul and I'm yours forever! (Still waiting lol) 

Q - What’s one thing you want to do before you die?
A - Make love in the rain! 

Q - What’s your top 3 shows on TV?
A - Supernatural, Grey's anatomy, and the Walking dead. 

Q - If you could have anything what would it be?
A - Immortality!!

Thank you *Moyrah* for sharing will the readers. 
You are an absolute joy to listen too and so down to earth. You are the epitome of what having fun is all about. 
For those that have not spoken to Moyrah before, your loss. She will make you laugh so loud you will wake the Wife, Kids and Neighbors.


Tuesday, 20 May 2014

My Gladiatus Mentor: Lav Draconicus

When I first approached Lav Draconicus to answer a few questions, what he didn't know was that he has been my mentor since I started playing Gladiatus.
He still has no Idea who I am, However he is the reason why I stayed around so long.
"Thank You" Lav for bring the entertainment factor to the game, and your willingness to help all those in need.

Personal Questions 
Q - Do you have any gladiatus mentors? If so, who is it and what do you admire most about them?    
A - I was lucky enough to have many people guide me in the beginning. The list would be way too long but I do have to credit one person…KingHarry. He was probably the best example as he taught me how NOT to play the game.  He took things WAY too seriously and alienated everyone in the process.

Q - How long have you been playing this game? 
A - I started playing in 2006 I think. I didn't like some of the changes they made to the game so I took a break but it pulled me back in. Once I came back, I dove into the game and studied every merc, piece of gear, etc and found a new way to kick some ass.

Q - What is your next personal goal in the game?   
A - My next personal goal would be the same as it's always been…just to keep having fun and making new friends.

Q - Who do you wish they would suspend bashing rules on?...Even for one day! 
A - At this point, I don't think many people care about bashing anymore. There's too much going on at their own level thanks to the merger.

Q - Tell us what you like to do in your sparetime away from Gladiatus? 
A - I work 2 jobs so I don't have much spare time but it's usually spent drinking, enjoying time with various women, working out, drinking, drawing, drinking, enjoying more time with various women, playing video games, drinking, and enjoying time with even more various women.

Q - Tell us more about yourself, Single, Married, Kids. etc. 
A - I have a 9 year old daughter and I am VERY single. I enjoy getting home when I want, watching what I want on TV, and even more, I enjoy the freedom of being able to make a poops with the restroom door wide open.
No Ooscar Pistorius?

Guild Related 
Q - What guilds do you support and oppose and why? 
A - I support every guild in the game but at the same time, I hold no alliances. It's a fighting game and the more people there are to fight, the better.

Q - So how did you end up in Gods of War?  
A - I started up my own guild towards the middle of last year and built it up a long way in a short time. The move to Gods of War was done more for "my people" than myself and is all part of a plan that I will not discuss.

Q - What was your favorite Guild, and why? 
A - My favorite guild of course was my own. After that, I'd say Warriors2 and Thrace. I've been in a few other good ones and have appreciated my time in each and every one of them.

Q - What makes you stay in a guild and why do you enjoy this game so much? 
A - I stay in guilds for the same reason I enjoy this game…THE PEOPLE. Where else can you meet a bunch of crazy ass people like myself? I've met people from all across the world and have had a bunch of laughs, shed some tears for people's real life situations, and I really enjoy being able to "escape" within this game....even though it's full of dirty sheep humpers.

Q - Tell us about what you offer the people of gladiatus, in terms of knowledge and experience? 
A - I have actually taken the time to lose on purpose when testing out mercs, gear, etc. so I have built up some nice knowledge of what does or doesn't work. I couldn't have run those tests without the help of people like Matt or AngelOfDeath to name a couple. Friend or foe, I've always been more than happy to help people develop their teams.

Game Related 
Q - Were you ever a GO or MOD? Would you ever be? What do you believe you could offer if you were asked? 
A - No, no, no, and I'm happy just playing the game.

Q - What do you think your greatest achievement in the game is? 
A - My greatest achievement would probably be building the reputation that I have. Nuff said.

Q - How would you generate additional activity within gladiatus? 
A - I actually think Gameforge has increased activity on it's own by combining the servers. It's about time they realized that adding a new server every few months wasn't the best way to go.

Q - What is your vision for the future of the new S9? How do you see the server in 6 months? 
A - I see things continuing with the way they are now which is with everyone trying to be the biggest baddest guild.

Q - Who, outside of your guild mates would you want in your guild. 
A - I've been lucky enough to be surrounded by good people and I'm fine with where I am now.

Q - Tell us an ingame story that you will never forget? 
A - 2 words…Blue Waffle. That is all.
(Google Search ......)
Fun Related 
Q - do you have any nicknames? If so what are they and how did you get them?  
A - Mostly everyone just takes my name and turns it into "Hope you're having a Lav-ly day", "Lav loves sheep", etc. I LAV it!!
Q - What is your favorite song ? 
A - Can you quack like a duck…I've introduced that crazy song and video to many people.

Q - if somebody wrote a biography of you, what would it be titled?  
A - Something crazy is always happening in my life so it would probably be titled "Did That Shit Really Just Happen?"

Q - would legalizing marijuana be good or bad?  
A - Legalizing marijuana would be a good thing. Besides the money it would bring to each State, it helps to treat a lot of things…glaucoma, cancer, boredom.

Q - Can animals commit suicide?  
A - Yes they can! The day after I left my daughter's mom, 3 of my fish jumped out of their tank. Guess they couldn't stand her ass either.

Q - describe yourself in three words?  
A - Hmmmmm…3 words…."Crazy mother fucker"!

Q - Do you wish they would bring anything back to the game?
A - I miss the various titles. They were a nice way to help everyone express themselves a little more.

Q - Any suggestions of things to add to the game?
A - I've always thought it would be cool to have the ability to have a guild battle with Turma teams. You could click either one.

Q - Is there anything you would like to say to those reading this?
A - Yes, we're all here to compete but remember that this is a game. It's a place to escape the real world and have some fun so stop taking everything so seriously and ENJOY YOURSELF.

By the way, I like that you guys are doing this. People may know others in this game by name, but I appreciate the level of "intimacy" this provides. Keep up the good work.

Thank you Lav for taking the time out of your busy day to share some thoughts with the server.
Keep up the good work, will be watching from afar.

Saturday, 17 May 2014

SPQR DIARIES 8: All HAIL King Joffrey [AKA OOngats]

So I started to have doubts about whether there was even going to be another chapter in the SPQR DIARIES, or even lost track of the number of the previous chapter. However our brave King OOngats continues to show his true colors. Why you ask? Well simple, it became a person issue, and our King/Saviour/Master only reacts if he alone is compromised. So let me break it down for you:

Sat, 05/17/2014 - Kimbus has raided: 59.703
OOngats: "Holy Sh*t what was that? Did I just go through Colon Hydrotherapy?"

Sat, 05/17/2014 - 08:35:23 Guild message from: OOngats
xiao, Broken Dreams, Classified, you are all 3 now on notice. One of you is a rat and I'm going to scrutinize you all 3. If it happens again I will launch you from the roof out of this guild.
So this authoritarian shows his true colors once again. Threatening to throw our three brothers from the roof top of the guild that we all helped to build.Good Luck in doing it with your T-REX like arms. You may need all your multi's to help.

Sat, 05/17/2014 - 08:37:58 Guild message from: OOngats
Hocus Pocus, consider yourself in that list. Not needed, low level, stranger, and suspiciously online when there's packaging and players getting hit during a package. This is more than a coincidence.
AB, judging by the old saying, "What you don't know can't hurt you," you are practically invulnerable.

Sat, 05/17/2014 - 08:47:39 Guild message from: OOngats

Congrats Kimboast, you have truly mastered wasting your real life time in fake life game gladiatus. You are most excellent to spend the one resource that cannot be replaced and is universally precious....Time for the false gratification of this dumbass game. I happily concede to you the supreme title and Honorific Grandeur Kimboast: Prince of Participation, Gladiatus time suck fool! This dignified title is the unspoken champion of real time accumulation in gladiatus for all activities great and small, sum of all glads and multis activity in game. Congratulations, you have wasted your life away ignoring your family friends romance and personal wealth with nothing to show for yourself but a username and login password which are written down in your last will and testament. Upon your real life death, your estate will inherit the gladiators known as Kimboast, and they may log on to be praised and look at all you created while alive. Great songs will be sung of your highscore rankings, and your statistics being magnificent. Your heirs will need to cash in your gold packages just to pay estate taxes on Kimbus. He will be also taxed for every charisma point you possess upon death, as the new heirs must appraise his value at time of death. 55 years of centurion will also be included in the estate valuation. Unfortunately the net value of Kimbus Glad for IRS purposes will be ZERO and your heirs will be shamed to know how you spent your waking productive hours in life.
Now, I am not saying that you are "Dumb, Idiotic or Stupid" What I am however saying is that I NOW believe everyone that told me that you were sixteen years old before you learned how to wave good-bye. With the number of Multi's you currently have in the game, I am surprised that you have the time to leave your trailer park.

Sat, 05/17/2014 - 08:53:30 Guild message from: OOngats
print that RAT. No doubt you will recieve in real life, a Pulitzer Prize for your award winning coverage of the Gladiatus server video game merger. As this is a significant event in the history of all video games, all news agencies across the globe are hanging on your every typed word. Reuters is now following you, and claims to be well informed through your blog. Congratulations in advance, an amazing achievement, this news reporting of yours. No Doubt will look tremendous on your CV.
You've obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a f*ck.

Sat, 05/17/2014 - 09:08:17 Guild message from: xiao
okay not a big deal.. im sorry can't help in pack/bank, don't really know how to to that kind of thing.. and when im in WRT or TUSKERS, i didn't know that there is a spy in SPQR.. until recently Dice called me in to apply.. well cheers.. i may be off now, so that you could FILTER WHO IS THAT RAT.. Its been nice in SPQR.. see yah.. thank you again, even im low level you welcomed me here.. thanks..
XIAO - Just tell him how it is "Why do you have to be that way, you seemed normal until I got to know you? "

Sat, 05/17/2014 - 09:04:53 Guild message from: Broken_Dreams
OOngats, I'm not going to speak with you this way. I'm playing this game since 2009, started Sept 2012 on s4, beeing a member of Myrmidons from 1 lvl till over 100, after merge I'm here in SPQR (I WANT TO REMIND YOU I DID NOT ASK TO CHANGE MY GUILD, BUT I WAS INVITED HERE BY YOURSELF!!). I'm really sick of the way you treat me now, so if that helps exclude me right here, right now. I'm pretty sure I'll find a place for me somewhere else. If not just say a word, I'll leave SPQR by myself. Hope you'll find this 'rat' your looking for and I'm not. So, what's your decision? ps Just give me a second to take back my stuff from the warehouse.
Broken_Dreams: Now your turn: "Perhaps your whole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others." If Ab is going to kick you. let me assure you, that he would not give you the satisfaction of collecting your goods. The fact that you are prepared to stay at SPQR, says alot about your character. If you need a home, you definitely won't have a problem finding one. Good Luck, and make the right decision.

Sat, 05/17/2014 - 09:19:02    Guild message from: OOngats
I am, after all, a tyrant.
Yes Joffrey, you definitely deserving of that title.

09:26:08    Guild message from: OOngats
Too Late she cried

Oongats, Why do you continue to treat others with such a lack of respect, and still expect the walls of SPQR to be rat proof. If you had done what any of us continuously do, and that was to ask for protection hits, you would have been able to unpack safetly. Next time you are looking for someone to blame, look in the mirror.

Through the eyes of a Mac - The Fact Finding Mission

Its always important to look at both sides of the coin, and look at both individuals viewpoints before making a decision on whom to support.

I read the blog post and found it amusing. Two sides to every story. I did approach Tubby as the master of Horde which at the time had three active players including myself. Fact DR Chap approached me about merging Blood and Twar and I was all for it.

Fact: All the glads over level 80 were to go to Blood and the under to stay in Twar and Horde was to be used as a rookie guild.

Fact: Not all glads from TWar level 80 or better came to Blood.

Fact: I changed Blood Guild page to reflect the merger and promised to make all comers Admin.

Fact: I made all comers Admin.

Fact: Blood has three members who are in the Den.

Fact: Blood has never though actions or player movement been associated with Den

Fact: Never told Dr. C to do the same at TWAR.

Fact: During this time I had a falling out with Legion

Fact: Members of Legion followed me….I asked no one at that point to join me.

Fact: Dr. C told me people were upset about the Horde Guild and I went to Twar to explain. I left Mo in charge with instructions to put m. attilus (A TWar Member) in charge as he was leaving for vacation.

Fact: I explained while in TWar to Dr. C that the Horde were off the table as many members of the new roster are mortal enemies of Blood.

Fact: I was asked to do an interview for the Blog and did not mention TWar.

Fact: I apologized in open guildmail for this and probably should have proofread it before sending in the article.

Fact: The Crushen Event happened and I caught flack for making all admin…..never told TWAR how that guild should be run….I only said how I was running Blood.

Fact: I left to Blood for TWar to help recruit new players.

Fact: Upon my return to Blood the bad blood from Dr. C had reached open mail and someone, not me, asked to take it off line and I agreed.

Fact: Dr. C outright called me a liar and was clearly pissed.

Fact: I never demoted a single member of the guild during this time, I knew I was exposed but I trusted the members there.

Fact: TWar members started leaving indicating to me that Dr C had set things in motion.

NoT a fact….but logical. I asked for some time to cool off and when I returned from work the guild page was returned to pre-Twar-Blood merger.

Fact: Dr. C did this, hence ending any hope of salvaging what could have been a top 3 guild on this server.

Fact: I never gave anyone permission to do this.

Fact: To further protect the guild I demoted all TWar admin to non admin status.

Fact: Merger was over.

Fact: It is very easy to get caught up in this game….but those are the facts.

I never mistreated any member of TWar and never lied. I was questioned by members of Blood if I had lost my mind leaving a new member, M. Attilus, as Master. I told them it was important to show trust. It is very easy to talk and throw mud. Those are actions….not talk. I honored everything I said I would do. The situation at Horde changed and I clearly explained it. I never questioned why some level 80+ glads stayed at TWar…I took things for what they were. With the merging of guilds in this merger on the new S9 there have been more than a few issues with loyalties. I also didn’t realize that the blog was to be used to personally attack individuals…should have paid better attention to that.

Thank you JohnnyMac(8) for providing clarity on the Twar-Blood merger conditions, as well as News_Reporter for sourcing and following through with the story.

Friday, 16 May 2014

Through the eyes of a Chap - The Swallow

This story was brought to our attention by "Dr.Chap2U" and reported by NVLFAN

THE SWALLOW: JohnnyMac was going around Gladiatus and trying to "Swallow Guilds Whole" as he would say. So one day he approached my good friend and Guildmate +Tubby and asked if he could "swallow M-PoR(T-WAR SubGuild) Whole" That was the Beginning of a very bad ride for my guildmates and I. +Tubby passed the note on to me and I took over the organizing of a GuildMerge that was supposed to benefit all.

This Merge was to see THRACE_WARRIORS[T-WAR] high lvls go on to the Family_of_Blood[BLOOD1] guild to create a superguild. Thus able to compete with the top guilds and in return THRACE_WARRIORS[T-WAR] would see The Barbarian_Horde[HORDE] come to T-WAR To keep it alive and bustling. This seemed like a great idea at the time giving us a full two guild(90 Members) of active players. Good to our word, THRACE_WARRIORS[T-WAR] sent all of their High Lvls to the Family_of_Blood[BLOOD1] guild.

I went along with Dr,_Chap_M.D. as this was part of the deal to make room for the Barbarian_Horde[Horde]. Then we waited. And waited. And waited. THE DENIAL: Finally +Tubby asked where the Other guild(the BarbarianHorde) was that was supposed to come to THRACE_WARRIORS[T-WAR] and why they weren't here yet. I wanted to be sure things were going well at [T-WAR] so I dropped out of [BLOOD1] guild to get back to the [T-WAR]. I found it quite alarming that there were no players from The Horde there yet so I sent JohnnyMac A private message asking what was going on. He then commenced to deny ever have made the deal. WHAT? Did he really just say that? So now here I was, with the cat by the balls... What the hell was I supposed to say to my Guildmates at [T-WAR]? I decided to keep it quiet for the time being so that I wouldn’t "upset the Apple-cart" so to speak...

THE REBUILD: I started recruiting members(Not swallowing guilds whole) and did quite well as we recruited some stand up honorable members. The Morale was getting worse during this period and Try as I might I could see it getting worse and worse with the old members that were still left at [T-WAR]. At this point I still had not said anything about the [Horde] not coming anymore as was promised to us... Then all of a sudden with no warning Crushen went off the deep end and DELETED[T-WAR]. He kicked everyone and deleted the guild page, then left the guild himself thinking that The master was inactive and the guild would die. Why did Crushen do this?

Quoted from Crushen: "Well seeing as how this guild is now dead and that all our good players have all left and we got screwed by the BLOOD merge I might as well finish the job" That Quote pretty much sums it up. At this point I messaged our Sweet and always thoughtful THRACIAN QUEEN Kara1967 so she could let Me back into the guild and start yet another rebuild.

The INSULT: It was also mentioned in guild mail that we were to refrain from speaking freely and being ourselves. Tension was building but we all respected this during our stay. Needless to say It was very hard for us to do this as we are a very vocal group. Then a little birdie drops a bomb on me saying that this guild(BLOOD1) is just a sub-guild for the DEN. When we created the super guild I had in mind that we wanted to challenge the Top guilds. Not be submissive to one.

So I am re-building everything just fine and JohnnyMac comes to the guild. Says he wants to help. The only thing we saw happen during his brief 36 hour stay with us was That his Horde guild(The Guild that was supposed to be a part of the Merge) go from 15 members to 31 members During that time... JohnnyMac then does a really nice questionnaire on the SPQR RAT page and FAILS to mention that it is only because of T-WAR that his guild is so high and mighty. To top it off he takes all the credit of his success without a single word about us... Tension was really building now. I was about to burst! How can he do this to us? Trust is a very fragile thing. Once it is broken it can never be repaired. Our Trust in BLOOD1 having been beyond Broke, It was time to stir the pot. It was at this point that I went public with all of my information to the world of Gladiatus.

I gave all information to the guilds (T-WAR2.0), (Legion (VonKesselBurg)), and (WRT(Brich)) so that Everyone can see the True story of what really happened to our honored guild, The THRACE_WARRIORS[T-WAR2.0]. Remember, It was us, the THRACE_WARRIORS[T-WAR], that just went through the Guild Deletion thing right? I wouldn't wish that upon my worst enemy or EVER think of doing the nasty deed to anyone... But that is exactly what we got accused of during our final hours with JohnnyMac's Family_of_Blood[BLOOD1], where everyone But T-War members are equal... Thank you very much JohnnyMac. It was fun wasnt it?

So, the walls talk, and I have known Johnny for years. I have been accused of many things over the past month or so, but I have tried to report and post the stories as they have come from my excellent liaisons in NVLFAN and News_Reporter. I do however think that I owe it to Johnny to provide the story from his perspective. Please stay tuned, as this story is to be continued....

Thanks Dr.Chap for providing us all with something current to talk about, We all appreciate that you have given us the opportunity to post your story on our Blog. 


Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Interview with Brich21 - Active Forum Member

I read the forum whenever I can, and there are certain people that just make you smile or LYFAO. Brich21 is just such a person, and I hope you will share a few minutes of your time to get to know him.

Q - Do you have any gladiatus mentors? If so, who is it and what do you admire most about them? 
A - My first run-in was with Th3_B3tr@yed and Palerider on S4.  I had no idea what the hell I was doing other than ruining Th3's bid in the auction and mouthing someone that had the balls to not report me and mouth right back.  Those two brought me and pretty much protected me while I started shit on a daily basis with every other guild.  Then I joined S3 and ran into CStroke. He knew me from the forums. Pales S3 guild merged with Strokers, so I spent about 2 years in AoV Tuskers until I quit playing.  I admire nothing about Stroker, that disease carrying whore. 

Q - How long have you been playing this game? 
A - Oh hell....I think since 2007?  But I was in High School still and playing baseball, so it was more of a once a week just to kill some time. Found the game on complete accident from YouTube advertisements.

Q - What is your next personal goal in the game? 
A - I guess that would depend on how much GF follows up on their promises of updates.  I've heard this bullshit before...So I'll believe it when I see it.  Honestly right now my goal is to remember all the tricks I used to know on here haha

Q - No secret that you have strong feeling about Roger-Ceasar...Why? 
A - Couple reasons actually.  He is just plain stupid, and I don't deal well with stupid.  I remember some the arguments he had with some old timers from S2, and it was just amazing to see the logic this guy tried to use.  I felt my IQ slipping with every post. Then he started going after me because I was a regular poster and obviously very vocal. The biggest reason I go after him, It's just so damn easy . It's almost not even fun anymore, haha.

Q - What was your involvement with the Gladiatus Unleashed Forum? and what were your thoughts about the site?
A - Damn, that's a place I haven't heard of in a while. I was originally a Mod there, but some felt my mouth would scare some away :)

Q - Who do you wish they would suspend bashing rules on?...Even for one day!
A - There are a few if things were even...Roger, Sanmeet, FattyNoob....hell, maybe even Baleful

Q - Tell us about yourself? From the forum messages, it seems that you have been away?
A - The story of B-Rich...makes UltraMoes story look like shit. Ex-College athlete. Injury forced me to quit. Married(STUPID STUPID STUPID). Divorced. Quit playing somewhere in between there. Pretty much what you've seen is me.  I am a smartass who doesn't really give a shit what people think about me. It's a blessing and a curse sometimes.

Q - Who, outside of guild mates would you want in your guild?
A - Von_K. He likes to stir shit up like myself but on a more mild level, haha. I feel like I need to corrupt him some. Moyrah, she is an ex-guildmate that quit years ago and resurfaced not too long ago. One of my two favorite ladies in the game. SleepingBeauty, she was a blast on the forum back in the day. I hear she was pretty ruthless in the game, would have loved to see the other side of her. Sanmeet and Roger, so I could post whatever I wanted about them in guildmail without the mods to get involved. Jodi, just because me and her have never gotten along on the forum and I think that would be a shitshow to have us locked up in one guild together.  If you see this...HI JODI!!!!

Q - Why am I still playing this game? 
A - Why the hell are any of us playing this game..why the hell did I even come back? Haha, I guess I am a gluten for punishment and letdown. I had a random urge to check the forum and see if the game was even still online.  Chap and Pale caught me online and pulled me back in. Bastards...

Q - Thoughts on Moesha?
A - I think it's an absolute joke to have spent that kind of money on a game that is free. I am embarrassed to even read stuff like that. Not my money, so whatever.  If I understood some of her points, Nobs was involved? If so, that doesn't surprise me. Guy was a dirtbag and I couldn't stand him being part of the team.

Q - Are you really that big of an asshole in person?
A - Not quite, but I am still a sarcastic ass. I actually am pretty nice as long as you are not a dipshit.  

Q - Ar you single now that you are divorced?
A - Yes...yes I am. And I enjoy long walks on the beach. I am potty trained. Can do laundry, but choose not to.  And contrary to Roger's thoughts....I do not live my parents basement.  I actually live in the upstairs.
Q - What are your thoughts on this blog?
A - I like the idea behind it. I think it's pretty funny.  Would be better if there wasn't a real agenda behind it all, but such is life. I hope that you guys keep it up as more of a gossip BS thing like this more than just general news of things going on. I like reading peoples thoughts that are not restrained by the forum. Some people can actually come unleashed outside of the rules of the forum, and it is nice to see some real personality when there is no fear.
You have my blessings to continue this blog.  That actually means a lot. Well...not really, but in my mind it means a lot

Monday, 12 May 2014

Interview with Von_Kestleberg - Master of [R] and proud member of StoneHarthLegion

There are certain Gladiators that draw attention to themselves, and Von_Kestleberg is just such a glad.
He always seems instrumental when it comes to igniting wars, and those that know him swear by his  intentions of making the game fun for everyone involved. So well done to Von for catching the eye of the playing world. 

Personal Questions 
Q - Do you have any gladiatus mentors? If so, who is it and what do you admire most about them?    
A - Early on I had a couple of glads that helped me with the game. Their names were DOOMSOLDIER and DEATH. DS came in and out of the game a good bit, I actually think he would build Glads and sell them to people. I followed DEATH around until he quit three years ago. Xerxes19 was a big help to me also. He’d give you tips and advice continually.  

Q - How long have you been playing this game? 
A - I started sometime in 2006 or 2007. I pretty much slowed down to just logging in about 2011-2012.     

Q - What is your next personal goal in the game?   
A - I’m here to have fun, meet folks and try to keep this place active.  

Q - No secret that you have strong feeling about the Roger-Ceasar...Why? 
A - Actually, I do not know Roger...I think you are saying that because of some comments on the Forum from a conversation I had with Brich. So, no strong feelings there...

Q - Who do you wish they would suspend bashing rules on?...Even for one day!
A - Hmmmmm....there are so many. I would say every one of them. When I started this game there were no bashing was great! Even though I was a little guy then, the game was much better soul-bound, no market limits, and much more..... I would love to have King Helimus come back with no bashing rules’d have to know him to understand.....check the archives in the forum. 

Guild Related 
Q - You are a vocal member of your guild and have shared strong opinions in the past. What are your thoughts on the state of the game? Has the merging helped or hurt the game? 
A - The merger just HAD to happen to make this game viable. I voiced my opinion for years on this subject. It was starting to get a little old hitting the same set of guys every day. So, the merger was something that was absolutely necessary. The people playing this game are why I play at all. You know I have beaten Ernestine over 1700 times......That gets a little old after a while. Now we have new personalities to get to know and to continue the game. I wish they would now go ahead and merge 16 & 9. 

Q - What guilds do you support and oppose and why? 
A - I support Legion! Other than that, I have friends in other guilds and I will respond to any calls for aid, on a personal level. As far as other guilds, I really don’t have a problem with any of them....

Q - How has the recent formation of the guerrilla warfare guild [Retribution] affected the guild StoneHarthLegion, and what is your opinion of those that left the guild following the war?  

A - Well, all you have to do is count the empty slots to see what effect that the war had on Legion. Am I sorry they left? Yes, very much! I am still friends with all of them and still speak with many. The people that left had multis in The DEN. No one had a problem with us hitting XIII....You forgot to ask if I would do it again.....I will do it again, not necessarily against the same guilds and not necessarily with the same people. Although, next time I am hoping for more participation so that the numbers are not so lopsided. Another question that you should have asked is “why did you do it?”  So, maybe we can get into that another time.... I do enjoy wars and personal contests. Wars were at one time going on continuously. In fact, wars (believe this or not!) We are actually a part of this game!!!! I am not here to only chat and click on things.  Alaskan and I had talked about setting up “temporary” guilds for the people that enjoyed wars so that we could fight each other...but there was not a lot of interest. So, if and when we do another. -R- war, it will probably consist of people like me, that like to fight and people that may have agendas from many guilds.  

Q - The rumours are SPQR & StoneHarthLegion are in strategic talks, Are they true? And can you give us a little insight into what we can expect? 
A - I can neither confirm nor deny that there are talks going on between four of the larger guilds. I also cannot confirm nor deny that many high-level Glads from four of the larger guilds (including DEN and XIII) are planning to form a brand new guild. But, any talks of this nature, as far as Legion goes, would need to be initiated by Legion’s Master - Hughie. Thus, I cannot say that I am aware of any talks at this time. I do chat with people in many guilds and we do bounce ideas off of each other, I even speak to members of DEN and XIII, with whom -R- fought.  As far as what to expect....I would definitely say that there will be wars and rumors of wars.     
Game Related 
Q - Were you ever a GO or MOD? Would you ever be? What do you believe you could offer if you were asked? 
A - No, I have never been anything other than a Glad. I think currently the GO and MOD guys are going by the rules, but they are forgetting that there needs to be some grey area in enforcement. Right now everything is black or white. They go strictly by the rules to the letter....and I mean to the letter.  Notice that not many people talk on the forums any longer. I got a warning yesterday for a little sarcasm in a post....I mean lighten up a little. I know that the job is done by volunteers and I have a lot of respect for them. I would consider the job, but we would have to have a long talk about the enforcement part before I did.  

Q - What do you think your greatest achievement in the game is? 
A - I would say that having a good number of friends in many guilds is good. I believe that I have, on the whole, kept my guy pretty honorable.  

Q - You are probably one of the most vocal forum members when it comes to GF, GO's and Mods. Give us your thoughts on what is wrong & what is right. 
A - Like I said before....GO and MODs need to lighten up and only warn people when there is a real problem. The constant beat down has made the forum like a police state....and there is no explaining to them or defence. There definitely needs to be more banter in the forum. 
GF.....what can I say???? It’s like a parent that rejects you. The Glads have done their part, we have spent money and time in their game and we are totally ignored. No feedback, updates usually are to restrict us more. The base for the game has not changed since it was rolled-out, same avatars for the beasts we fight, merchants, etc....  Most games have regular “good” updates and most companies want feedback from their customers so that they can keep their customers and attract more. I really would love to help GF with this game...and I have said that in the Forum (and I got a warning).  

Q - What would you do to, or believe you could do to generate additional activity in the game? 
A - I believe that I will continue to do what I do....stir things up every once in a while....I mean, this blog would not have been made if we didn’t stir it up a bit....right? I have made a few suggestions on the forum in the past (like merging the servers).... 

Q - What is your vision for the future of the new S9? How do you see this looking in 6 months?
A - I’m afraid that we will continue to lose Glads due to the game not being updated properly and making the game more fun for the players. Any game, such as this, loses people on a regular basis just through attrition. I am not seeing a lot of new people coming into the game. The few that do...don’t stay very long. I am a little concerned about the game in the area of multis. Some people had Glads in many guilds before the merge. I am wondering how loyal you could be to numerous guilds. I have given away most of my multis. I have one other on this server, along with 2 on S16. 

Q - Who, outside of guild mates would you want in your guild?
A - I’d just like to see some of the old players come back to the game....old guild mates from the past. There are a few guilds that I’d love to see merge with us. There are a great number of Glads that I would be happy to serve with.  

Q - What makes Legion special?
A - Other than the obvious, we are the only guild that has monkeys. Daisy runs Daisy’s Bar & Grill and Jojo is our general procurer of things that we need (GPoTWN). I’ll try to keep the server updated on Daisy’s specials. Today, for Mothers Day, she ran a 5 cent beer promotion for Moms. Very well attended and very few incidences....The Mothers had a great time.  

Q - What Guilds have you been a member of?
A - I started out in TEO, then HiT, EVO, BGH and now Legion. TEO was destroyed by BGH, HiT went away, EVO (that was a mean guild! I loved it!) And BGH just fell asleep. Legion is the best guild I have.

Saturday, 10 May 2014

About Eric - Video (Threw It On The Ground)

So when I received a link that said,"When I saw this Video, I couldn't stop thinking about Eric", I knew I had to take a look.

If you haven't already seen this, and looking for a good laugh, please watch this and picture our Boy Eric......

You GO BOY... Eric all the way.......

I Threw It On The Ground LyricsI was walkin through the city streets
and a man walks up to me and hands me the latest energy
Run faster. Jump Higher.
Man, Im not gonna let you poison me.

I threw it on the ground!
You must think Im a joke!
I aint gonna be part of this system!
Man, pump that garbage in another mans veins!

I go to my favorite hot dog stand
and the dude says, you come here all the time! Heres
one for free.
I said, Man, what I look like, a charity case?

I took it, and threw it on the ground!
I dont need your handouts!
Im an adult!
Please, you cant buy me hot dog man!

At the farmers market with my so-called girlfriend
She hands me her cellphone, says its my dad.
Man, this aint my dad. This is a cellphone!

I threw it on the ground!
What you think Im stupid?
Im not a part of this system!
My dads not a phone! Duh!

Some poser hands me a cake at a birthday party
What you want me to do with this, eat it?

Happy birthday to the ground!
I threw the rest of the cake too!
Welcome to the real world, jackass!

So many things to throw on the ground
Like this, and this, and that. And even this.
Im an adult!

Two Hollywood phonys trying to give me their autograph.
Ground! Nobody wants your autograph! Phonys!

Then the two phonys got up. Turns out they had a taser.
And they tased me in the butt hole.
I fell to the ground.
The phonys didnt let up.
Tasing on my butt hole, over and over.
I was screaming and squirming
My butt hole was on fire!

The moral of this story is: you cant trust the system!
