Fri, 05/02/2014 - 14:30:46 Guild message from: Tweeder
Hi Everyone
I am Tweeder, one of RomanKinds Gladiator.
So I have all the respect in the world for Brasky, and may be bias towards him.
i first started playing Gladiatus, I was not even a level 20 when the
best and strongest Gladiator on the US S1 server [Brasky] sent me a message and
said " I would like you to join my Main Guild XIII "
I was dumb
struck!!! as I was still fairly new to the game, however was active enough
to get the attention of Brasky. He was not asking me to join his
junior guild (That had gladiators of level 80's at the time), but rather his main
guild where I would be the lowest level gladiator by a considerable
margin. I was not going to let this legend of the US server down, I was
going to work my arse off - Day and night to prove my worth. I leveled
fast, maybe too fast - but i was still able to take the pots in all
the arena's (Since the Merger, well that's another story). He supported me throughout 2013 and thus I can say that I am still a fan
I am saying is, this donation drive was a big loss for us. Many
Gladiators despise me, because I support Brasky when many others
would find it easier to take the route of least resistance and either
walk away or side with his foe. (Bullies of the Server)
Many of you may not have know
what was going on behind the scenes yesterday, but what i can tell
you, is that if we managed to get just one extra point during that last
guild battle, XIII would have been upgraded. Brasky had struck a deal
with and "Unknown Guild" to assist with a 30 Million Gold Loan, and
they had just over 18 million to donate when the guild attack took place. This was a stroke of genius, and if the transaction took place, XIII would be the talk of the town.
Your leader is a wise man that although lost the battle, has not lost the war.
will make it my mission to support Brasky when it comes to the next
upgrade .
Next time we will do things a lil differently...
Next time, I
will ensure that i contribute 100 million to the upgrade
Next time there
will be no more chance or luck ...
Next time their will be certainty
So lets
train gentleman/ladies, you all deserve the break.
Become the
strongest in your arena...
Get active enough to become a pain in the arse of your foes
Make Brasky and your XIII comrades proud.
Good Luck
This story was submitted by News_Reporter
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