Its always important to look at both sides of the coin, and look at both individuals viewpoints before making a decision on whom to support.
I read the blog post and found it amusing. Two sides to every story. I did approach Tubby as the master of Horde which at the time had three active players including myself. Fact DR Chap approached me about merging Blood and Twar and I was all for it.
Fact: All the glads over level 80 were to go to Blood and the under to stay in Twar and Horde was to be used as a rookie guild.
Fact: Not all glads from TWar level 80 or better came to Blood.
Fact: I changed Blood Guild page to reflect the merger and promised to make all comers Admin.
Fact: I made all comers Admin.
Fact: Blood has three members who are in the Den.
Fact: Blood has never though actions or player movement been associated with Den
Fact: Never told Dr. C to do the same at TWAR.
Fact: During this time I had a falling out with Legion
Fact: Members of Legion followed me….I asked no one at that point to join me.
Fact: Dr. C told me people were upset about the Horde Guild and I went to Twar to explain. I left Mo in charge with instructions to put m. attilus (A TWar Member) in charge as he was leaving for vacation.
Fact: I explained while in TWar to Dr. C that the Horde were off the table as many members of the new roster are mortal enemies of Blood.
Fact: I was asked to do an interview for the Blog and did not mention TWar.
Fact: I apologized in open guildmail for this and probably should have proofread it before sending in the article.
Fact: The Crushen Event happened and I caught flack for making all admin…..never told TWAR how that guild should be run….I only said how I was running Blood.
Fact: I left to Blood for TWar to help recruit new players.
Fact: Upon my return to Blood the bad blood from Dr. C had reached open mail and someone, not me, asked to take it off line and I agreed.
Fact: Dr. C outright called me a liar and was clearly pissed.
Fact: I never demoted a single member of the guild during this time, I knew I was exposed but I trusted the members there.
Fact: TWar members started leaving indicating to me that Dr C had set things in motion.
NoT a fact….but logical. I asked for some time to cool off and when I returned from work the guild page was returned to pre-Twar-Blood merger.
Fact: Dr. C did this, hence ending any hope of salvaging what could have been a top 3 guild on this server.
Fact: I never gave anyone permission to do this.
Fact: To further protect the guild I demoted all TWar admin to non admin status.
Fact: Merger was over.
Fact: It is very easy to get caught up in this game….but those are the facts.
I never mistreated any member of TWar and never lied. I was questioned by members of Blood if I had lost my mind leaving a new member, M. Attilus, as Master. I told them it was important to show trust. It is very easy to talk and throw mud. Those are actions….not talk. I honored everything I said I would do. The situation at Horde changed and I clearly explained it. I never questioned why some level 80+ glads stayed at TWar…I took things for what they were. With the merging of guilds in this merger on the new S9 there have been more than a few issues with loyalties. I also didn’t realize that the blog was to be used to personally attack individuals…should have paid better attention to that.
Thank you JohnnyMac(8) for providing clarity on the Twar-Blood merger conditions, as well as News_Reporter for sourcing and following through with the story.
Rat - I really do not see clarity on the TWAR-BLOOD Merger....only 2 views. I see two guilds with unhappy people. That being said, there still has to be more to this. It is easy to post things saying they are a Fact.....why would a guild agree to merge and half way through believe that something is not right? I would say that your investigative reporters need to work a little overtime on this
ReplyDeleteVon - My Reporters in the field have asked Dr.Chap for his views following the statement of JohnnyMac yesterday. I do however believe that we should give Dr.Chap time to respond.