Saturday, 10 May 2014

SPQR Player Profile - Acetic Acid

Fri, 05/09/2014 - 19:13:15   
Message NVLFAN | Subject: AA
So, I had the opportunity to ask Acetic Acid a number of questions. He reminds me of the old school hardcore players. Very few left in the game! 

Q - How long have you been playing this game?

A - I have been playing since about August-ish of 2009 with a hiatus of about a year in 2012-2013. I started on S3 and was taken under the wing of John Galt in the guild that is now known as Army of Venice. I have played as many as 4 Glads at a time, pre-merger. Servers 1, 2, 3, & 6. 

Q - You are a vocal member of your guild and have shared strong opinions in the past. What are your thoughts on the state of the game? Has the merging helped or hurt the game?

A - Initially I like the activity/new rivalries the merger has created. With the abundance of events it has made the game quite intriguing, especially to any potential newcomers. I fear that once these events are over, it will be back to the same old grind. GF, in my opinion, has ruined this game and it original intention. They seem to have forgotten that it is a fighting game. Bowing down to the few that complain about "cyber bullying" thus taking away some of the best features of the game. Some of the fondest memories were instances such as being a level 50 and declaring war on an entire guild unless they paid you off. Long gone are those days and we'll never get them back. I could go on... but I'll refrain... I do love hearing myself talk! 

Q - No secret that you have strong feeling about the Moesha interview...Why?

A - Well first, I have no issue with the way shim "appears" to be playing in the present. However, in reference to the "True Story of Hoesha" The Shim specifically blurted out my name with out knowing my true role in what went down, not to mention my purpose for applying & acceptance for the role of Game Operator and subsequent move to SGO. I realize players are bound to try and find a way around the "system" to become better/grow faster than their competition. Its somewhat human nature. I take extreme issue with the blatant disregard for the rules to the point where it was visible for all player to take notice and was allowed to happen time and time again. For that I not only blame the shim, I bring blame on the team members for allowing it to happen. Thus bringing me to why I joined the Team. The same reason the "rat" enjoys sharing guild mail (in his/her own way). Keeping this game fun and interesting for its players, only my mission was to do it by trying to change things from within. Perhaps I am too honest and prefer to work for something that is real and not a farce 

Q -There are players in the game and then there are PLAYERS....who, outside of guildmates, would you want in your guild.

A - I have no room for any other PLAYERS. The way I see it they should want to be in my guild, because of me and my Guildmates! If you want to be considered a PLAYER in this game! WE are where its at. Now don't misunderstand what I am saying, I can still have respect and appreciate the work someone has put into their Glad (so long as it was built honestly, unlike crap players such as Semi/spainard that just have glads handed over to them and cant build a glad themselves because they suck at life). I am simply trying to state you are either with me or against me! Either get on SPQR/Allies side or get out of the damn way! This BS of Romankind, straddling the fence being in SPQR & the DUNG guild it is unacceptable in my opinion and that in addition to a few other reasons is why I kick him from the guild and felt good about doing it because I knew in the long run it would be bad news. We would just have one more "informant" in the guild... we already have enough as it is!

Q - Who do you wish they would suspend bashing rules on?...Even for one day!

A - This is a "fluff" question... its a damn fighting game, I say no bashing rules ever! as my GREAT friend AngryOonGalt would say, "if you cant take the hits, Go play the SIMS" I can take being hit 24 times a day, being zero'd out and you wont hear me complain. Despite the hypocrite's that claim they will not hit "out of range". 

Q - What is your vision for the future of the new S9? How do you see this looking in 6 months?

A- I've covered this in the above answer! AA's Comments- I have done as much if not more than many ppl in ATTEMPTING to make this game better for its users. Far more than YOUR CoMa will ever do along with MOST of your current team Members. I can site only a few good ones and YES my guildmate Franz is on the top of the good ones list... and no it is not because he is in my guild! It is because I was instrumental in bring him on the team when I was a SGO and I have seen his integrity in action! I'll site a few examples of why you should all be thanking me! 
1. I was the person the reported a message from Nobs(A glad the ran a close 2nd to Hoesha with all his shenanigans) that lead to his ban from the game 
2. When A player was banned for a reported guild mail in MY guild, a team Member that was the Master of said guild, got this player un-banned so that he could "unpack" and donate his gold to the guild and not get raided. With the stink I rose on the forum with the help of the beloved RogerCeaser it helped change that rule of not being able to report guildmail... Your welcome .US

As requested by Acetic Acid, NVLFAN, has reported the story unchanged.
I would like to dig a little deeper into some of the comments as well as additional questions I would like to ask down the line (Perhaps a Second interview?). Thank you AA for allowing us to get a little insight into your "Crazy World". I will definetly look at the "698 forum post" you refered to in one of your correspondence with News_reporter.



  1. "Crazy World" ? I don't think he is crazy at all....he reminds me of the old school players when the game had real enemies and real hatred. I kind of miss those days!...He is just real passionate about his guild and his mates....I respect that.

  2. Crazy as in "extremely enthusiastic" as opposed to "Mad"
