In what is now know as the post Crushen apocalypse era.
It has been reported that Crushen was apparently upset about the TWAR merger with Blood.
This resulted in him kicking everyone out of the guild but the Master of the guild "Kara" was there to save the day, and try and piece the guild together. It is believed that she is not that active but one of the admins "Chap" approached her on Facebook for assistance. He managed to get hold of her, and she managed to take control of the guild. The new guild is called T-WAR 2.0, and there is a short explanation on their guild page.
Dropped down to 39th position on the Top Guild list
T-WAR 2.0 | 18 Members | 19.665.188 | Honour |
I believe that this could be the perfect opportunity for TWAR to get rid of their inactive glads, as activity is key to a strong guild in this game.
Quoted from VanSchaick:
The dude Crushen definitely fell off the KooKoo Puffs truck & landed on his head....
A message from: T-WaR.
Crazy stuff had been going on there. Crushen booted everyone from the guild. Lost his mind lol Kara saved them. ;)
Quoted from: Dr,_Chap_M.D.
Crushen Fell off a truck and hit his head really hard, was put on meds for Schizophrenia and then lost his meds. Took all his Pent up Jekyl and Hyde and went nuts on his own Family. Because he couldnt shoot us in the head in a mercenary killing, he did the next best thing and Booted everyone out and killing the guild page, leaving the guild also to let it die. What he wasnt counting on was that Kara, our beautiful ThracianQueen, was just a text away. She rescued us and is now bathing quietly in her very own bathing house, with Slaveboy Crushen in chains, begging for her mercy...
Quoted from +Tubby:
Welcome back All members to T-WAR 2.0, the post Crushen apocalypse. I think Crushen was a CM sleeper mole planted long ago and just now came to life. At least that's how Tom Clancy would have written it.
This story was submitted by News_Reporter
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