Friday, 23 May 2014

Women of Gladiatus! - Kara 1967 [Master of TWAR 2.0]

Spent some time with Kara1967 Master Of THRACE_WARRIORS...

Q - Do you have any Gladiatus mentors?
A - Chap of course, but there are others. I have had a lot of help along the way. When I went to the training guild that Silver C started way back when, Sodboa and Blacknight helped me tremendously. Being a female in the game world that it mainly dominated by men, has had its challenges, Reiavt and Red34, were some of the females around that helped me way back then. I have never felt left out for being female, in Chap’s guild. He treats the females like queens. I have watched my daughter struggle with it a bit playing XBOX games. Many of the guys don’t take her seriously; they either talk crap or think she is there to get a date. And end up shocked because she can play better than most guys do. I feel like a mother-hen or sister to most everyone in our guild. I grew up with two brothers and no sisters and it feels pretty much the same way, the boys say things that would make some people blush, but I am used to it and shock them when I say things back. I don’t shock them anymore; they are used to it by now. LOL

Q - How much time do you spend playing?
A - When I first started out, I didn’t have the internet or computer, so I went to the library. So at first I didn’t get on a lot. Later on, I got on quite a bit and played, until 2011, when I decided to go back to school. From there I got on sporadically, enough to where Crushen thought I was not active. But Chap knows he can always get in touch with me no matter what. I may not always respond right away, but eventually I do. Within an hour after Crushen went nuts I was there to save the day. Since I graduated a couple of weeks ago, I got on regularly for a week, but then got busy because we are going on vacation. When real life calms down, I’ll be back more often. Funny thing is, I don’t get on for the game. I get on to chat with my family and read what they have to say to each other. I first started in August of 2008. It wasn’t too long after that, that Chap found me and sent me a message asking me to join the group. I was already in the group when my brother passed away; they were all there for me. It was one of the hardest experiences I have ever had to go through. My parents had already passed away and I was feeling like an orphan. Everyone was so supportive and helped me through this tough time, and I’ll never forget it. They are truly my family; we all love each other, just like we are a family.

Q - What do you think your greatest achievement in the game is?
A - I don’t ever really think of my achievements as a gladiator, I think my greatest achievement game wise, is being in this guild. No one feels like they have to be number one. Sure everyone loves being number one, but the difference is that they don’t have to be. You see the competition that goes on between the other guilds and sometimes you can just feel the hatred towards each other. They take the game way too seriously.

Q - How do you inspire others?
A - Chap says I do, I don’t feel like I do. I am not around enough. But I do like chatting with everyone and we all make each other smile. So that is something. I am female and a grandma to boot, and I am out here playing with some people my age, but mainly the games I play are played by kids who could be my kids, age wise. So that is why I feel like a mother-hen at times. LOL 

Q - What is your next goal both personal and guild related?
A - I finally attained my goal of taking Accounting in college, I had that dream from the age of 16 and finally graduated a couple of weeks ago, so I am looking forward to getting out and looking for work related to what I just learned. As for the game, my goal is to build up my stats and find better armor. It is everyone’s aspiration to not get their butt beat by people who are 10 levels below or more. And I know there are some who could kick my butt all the way to England and back. So my goal is to get better and not let them. LOL 

Q - What glad would you like to go have a beer with?
A - Chap for sure and everyone in my guild. SDNR, matt, Lav, magnus, miquito, the list goes on. I have been chatting with some of these people for 6 years. I’d love to meet them in person. For everyone that remembers I’d like Konaticus, the Tavern Keeper, pour me a strong one and straws are optional. Cheers, as Chap would say. 

Q - What glad do you wish would just quit the game already?
A - There has never been anyone I have disliked. There have been a few that have been irritating. But I always send them a friendly note and have actually gotten a few messages back from some of them. Some rude, but mostly everyone is just happy that you noticed them. There are a few that take the game too seriously, I just laugh it off. That is my motto, be happy and laugh a lot, especially at your own mistakes. No one is perfect and we are all the same, some people just do things differently than someone else does, that’s all.

Q - If you had to write something about your guild that could inspire others to join, what would it be? A - You’ll never regret it, if you want to be in a guild where you are treated with respect and like family, come join ours. I have never regretted being here in all these years. I had been in one other guild on the .com server; I am now the only one in that guild. I wasn’t even the original master of that guild. He left not too long after I joined. He passed on the reins to someone else, until eventually I was the Master, guilds come and go, but Thraci as it was originally when I first started out, is still here. We have been Thrace for quite a while we had a very successful merger with Ace of Spades. And now we are Thrace, the people from there are just like us, we are all one big happy family. I wouldn’t trade off to another guild if someone paid me to. Most everyone in this guild has been around a long time. One thing about Chap is that he remembers everyone. He knows everyone from the sister guilds and has an excellent memory for people that are not even here anymore. If I needed to ask him a question about so and so’s name, he always remembers. Just the other day, I was thinking of Emmy and Chap remembered her name. I had to go look her name up and by the time I came back from looking Chap already had it. One of the sad things for us, was when Crushen left, he deleted the guild page, which we have had for years. Chap created many of the names on there from memory. How many people remember who was in their guild last year, let alone for the past 6 years and beyond? Chap does, I am proud to know him and call him my brother. 

Q - What is your advice for any newcomer?
A - First have fun, don’t take the game to seriously. Second of all, don’t be in a big hurry to get to a higher level. Sit back and relax. During the beginning you should, sit in the market. Sell food and other supplies, the higher levels come to the market quite a bit to get food. Use the money you earn and train them stats. Many of the people in our guild do so well, because their stats are high and they stalked the auction building watching for good items to buy. Two of the most patient gladiators I have met are Sodboa and Cyprian. Those guys didn’t worry about getting up in level, they were/are patient about trying to get their stats up. Unfortunately Sodboa has dropped out, we haven’t heard from him in a long time. But Cyprian is around; if you ever go shopping in the market you’ll likely see his name in their selling his wares. Sodboa for being a level 40 has some awesome stats and Cyprian is level 31 and has great stats as well. These two have been around as long as me or longer and I am level 85. I haven’t been able to devote nearly as much time to build up my stats. But I have learned my patience from everyone in my guild (with Chap) and from people who have worked their way up from the Merchants of Rome (Cyprian’s guild). If anyone wants a great place to start out, go to the Merchants of Rome. You will learn a lot. I have never been to the guild myself, but I have talked to Cyprian and listened to him and spent so much time working with Sodboa, that I feel like a part of their guild too. Of course they are our sister guild, so technically speaking, I am.

Q - Your Favorite Libation?
A - My favorite adult beverage is Bailey's Irish Crème. I have drank other spirits, but that is by far my favorite. I also like butter shots and mixed cocktail type drinks, such as pina colada and daiquiri's. Girl drinks. LOL.When I was stationed in Germany (during my Army days) I drank the German beer pilsner (it is a light beer) I never liked the yeast drinks that a lot of people like, they are too bitter for me. I don't like the taste of American beer, the only one I ever drink is Miller Genuine Draft, it is the only one that tastes good to me. I did shots of Tequila and other hard liquor, but I liked Bailey's shots the best. When I was in Washington State I knew a lady that was a bartender and she let me try all kinds of things. She is the first that got me to stray past my little cocktails. :) She made one that tasted like Rootbeer Floats that was my favorite. The most embarrassing drink she got me to drink was a blow job. You have to use only your mouth to pick it up, no hands. It was embarrassing having everyone watching you drink it. LOL 

Q - What is your sign?
A - Libra (the scales) goes good with what I chose to do for a living, which is Accounting. LOL 

I think I am taking Ms. Kara out for drinks!!!!

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